Would you buy a $2250+ computer with an Antec True Power 2.0 power supply?


Oct 14, 2004
I'm looking at a config by a reseller who builds custom machines. They have a machine with an OEM branded power supply for just under $2200. They offer a $75 upgrade for an Antec True Power 2.0 500W power supply. What do poeple on here think of that option on a computer of this grade? Is that a good power supply by a good vendor? Is it fitting for a computer in that price range? Opinions appreciated.
Antec is a good company for PSUs so it's probably a good PSU.

I tried to google it to see if there were any reviews but nothing came up. If you're computer savvy, you might be better off just getting the generic and using that $75 towards a PSU of your choice.

You'd probably be fine with the Antec if you don't want to mess with installing a PSU on your own.
As long as it's the 2.0 series you should be fine, the original TruePower series lacks the amps on rails to keep a system with an nvidia 8800 series stable.

My rig is running the 550W and everything is fine and dandy with an 8800GTX
I'm looking at a config by a reseller who builds custom machines. They have a machine with an OEM branded power supply for just under $2200. They offer a $75 upgrade for an Antec True Power 2.0 500W power supply. What do poeple on here think of that option on a computer of this grade? Is that a good power supply by a good vendor? Is it fitting for a computer in that price range? Opinions appreciated.

If this is referring to the VM thread. Like I said there the most likely OEM is a Topower. Neither will likely eat the system but neither would be the best in its class.
personally no I wouldn`t....but it`s your money....all that counts is that you are happy!!
if cyberpower is the reseller you are talking about, then I would run quickly in the opposite direction of them. ;)
Antec's Truepower II power supplies are respectable, as long as you have decent airflow.

If that were an Antec Truepower III / Trio, I'd jump on it in a hurry.
I wouldn't buy a computer from a reseller to begin with. But since we clearly aren't talking about "me", I'd say go with the Antec. I use Antec TPII and SmartPower II's in all my computers. Are there better PSUs out there? Definitely. But that doesn't make the Antec units crappy.