Would You Rather Lose A Finger Or Your Internet

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
One in three people surveyed said they would rather lose a finger than their internet connection. :eek:

The findings come from a survey conducted by Cable.co.uk. 29 percent of the 2,500 people questioned felt so attached to their broadband connection that lopping off a finger seemed like a small price to pay to stay online. Nearly as many people (25 percent) said that they would not be able to make a choice between the two!
This is Comcast's new policy on "helping" people who are late on their bills. Every employee is walking around with a finger necklace.
Studies also show that nearly %99.999 of those people actually don't through with it though. Pussies...
If we're talking about permanently having no access to the Internet in any way shape or form for the rest one's natural life ever, that'd be a tough choice for me and many others who earn a living that's deeply tied to the Internet.
Take it from my left hand.... I'll be fine. :D

I wouldn't mind living without internet, but that's my career & hobby. Take that away, and I'll be fine. I spend a lot of time outdoors. But, I'd need to find new employment in a new job sector. On call, studying, research, blog, etc..
Only access to the internet? I can still play with computers and tech? I'll keep my digits, thanks. The internet isn't that important.
this is a stupid study. It would have actual merit if they really went through with it otherwise it is not different than as kids we'd do the "would you rather" games which are funny but a lot different if place in the scenario.
Well the internet is my job (Work at a datacenter) so loser the finger and keep my job or lose the internet and my job?
There might be one finger I could lose. That's about it. The rest are pretty essential to day to day life.
I'd need more context really. First of all, which finger? I could handle perhaps losing a pinky finger but I really would not want to lose a more important finger than that.

Also, if this is to prevent "losing" your internet connection, then presumably if you agree to have one of your fingers removed, you would get to "keep" your internet. But keep it in what context? Internet is always evolving, and you can bet that newer/faster tech will be out in 5-10 years. If I had to lose a finger, then I'd want something along the lines of free internet for life including technology upgrades (new modem, etc). I mean... back in the day Dial-up might have seemed awesome, but you'd probably feel like a real tool today if you lost a finger to keep your dial-up 15-20 years ago.
The internet has become too much of an important resource. You can't just give it up without there being consequences.
I'm for losing a finger. I could adapt to that. Our economy and especially job hunting is becoming so focused on the internet that without it, your options are extremely limited. Along with that, our world's dependence on the Internet will only grow.
I'd give up the internet. I'm 35. I lived for a good while before the internet really took off. I'm sure I could suffice without it.
I'd give up the internet. I'm 35. I lived for a good while before the internet really took off. I'm sure I could suffice without it.

You would need to carry all your cash on you. Cash each paycheck, no credit card, debit cards, direct deposit. Good luck finding a well paying job in your field of expertise. And this is just the beginning.
I'd give up the internet. I'm 35. I lived for a good while before the internet really took off. I'm sure I could suffice without it.

also, if the whole world were to fall back to the technology of the 80's, then yes I could do that too. But for me alone to fall back on technology while the rest of the world continues, is not an option I would accept.
internet access is like electricity.

whats you don't have it you realize how important it is.

take my left ring finger, i don't wear my wedding ring anyway.
does downloading new drivers, firmware, game patches, OS updates etc count as using the internet?...then I'd have to lose a finger :D
I used to tell people all the time when I was in my early 20s (am 38 now) that I would rather lose both my legs than one finger. 18 years later and many hours online under the bridge and I think I would sacrifice some typing speed and gaming ability for the ability to walk around. I still think the younger me would choose the legs though and thats kinda scary.
I definitely wouldn't want to sacrifice a middle finger. They're too important while driving. :p
He likes his internet
If it's all or nothing yeah I'd give up a finger for internet access. Not only my job but most of my hobbies rely on the internet in some way.

Preferably it would be a pinky finger.
Next time this question is posed it will be internet or thumb. Then we will see the real hard decisions being made.
Circa 2000, id say the finger. Now, the internet pretty much is a ghost of its former self, I could give this shit up. Think of all the other positive health benefits that would result from having no internet... apart from losing a finger.
Middle finger is off limits. I need that one.

Really though, we will never be faced with this dilemma.
It's a ridiculous question to start out with. I can't imagine a real-world scenario where you would be faced with this dilemma. It's likely that some of the respondents did not take the question too seriously. Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.
You would need to carry all your cash on you. Cash each paycheck, no credit card, debit cards, direct deposit. Good luck finding a well paying job in your field of expertise. And this is just the beginning.

That really isn't as difficult as some of you make it out to be. Also even big companies can handle employees who have an exemption of some sort and can't do direct deposit.

I am really surprised at the number of people willing to lose a body part for internet. My work mostly and all my entertainment comes via the internet and I would give that shit up in an instant before my finger. I got along fine before the internet, I can get along fine without it. Losing a body part however is life altering. You don't realize how important all your fingers are until you lose one.
Lol, i guess we know how many will survive insanity if the lights go out.

I have some board games still in the wrapper to keep me entertained :D

As far as the "job hunting" goes. I remember doing lots of footwork and conversations to find a job...internet is just faster...as are cars to walking, etc etc...
As sensational as this is, doesn't it kind of lend credence to the notion that internet access is something of a necessity?