WoW; 6h expansion Legion

Confirmed, Dalaran will be teleported to the Broken Isles by Khadgar.

Basically youtube and wowwiki/wowpedia. I'd start by watching the old cinematics on youtube or some lore commentary videos. Then look at the individual history on the wowwiki or wowpedia which has tons of write ups. My personal favorite

I think so, Blizzard is in this for the long haul and they aren't the type of company to stand idle once they finish development on one game. They know WOW is no longer becoming sustainable in the larger numbers they favored 5 years ago. They hit their peak and it's slowly going downhill. My guess is their next MMO will be of the F2P variety with plenty of micro transactions. Titan was cancelled because development was long and it wasn't up to their standards at the time. So my guess is they cancelled it a long time ago and had already transitioned the team towards Overwatch when that happened. Once Overwatch is released they will probably put most of the team over towards their new project which they've probably already began working on.

Currently in development
WOW: Legion
Overwatch (Finalizing but will most likely receive content updates ala HotS for quite so time)
Heroes of the Storm (Complete but still receiving content updates such as new heroes and maps)
Diablo 3 (Also receiving a large new content update but mostly running minimal staff)
Starcraft 2 Legacy of the Void
Unannounced Diablo Project

Warcraft is huge, it's fantasy and lore scales to nearly Tolkien levels. There's no way it will die with WoW and they will most likely revisit it in the future. WOW still has plenty of life left that Blizzard will milk dry. The servers themselves will slowly be optimized and scaled down until their resource usage is low enough that they can continue running them with minimal cost. Eventually they will transition WoW to F2P which is already in the process with the ingame market and gold/time exchange. Until the subscriber count dips under 1mil WoW will run with minor content updates like all other Blizzard games until the staff costs are no longer meeting margins.

Thanks, I am interested in Overwatch, that looks like a cool and fun game, sort of like Team Fortress 2 ? What's the release date ?

And HoS also looks interesting, never played a game like that before, but the graphics looks really fun, and having the characters form Diablo, StarCraft and Warcraft would be neat. Is that what they call a MOB ? Can this game be played CoOp style ? Can I play it along with my two Brothers ?
According to the Overwatch site beta begins this fall, so we'll probably have some time before the game officially releases.

I've not played TF2 so I'm not familiar with the style but HotS is a MOBA much like LoL/DOTA2, and yes you can play co-op.
Grind grind grind. I just cancelled my account last night.

This. Logged in, made a new toon and realized (again) just how far behind actual enjoyable gameplay WoW is, compared to GW2.
It's incredibly boring, although I'd say less grindy than ESO, jesus christ that game is awful. I'll be returning specifically to experience my favorite part of the WOW story and then I can finally put that game to rest forever. I haven't played WOW seriously since WOTLK. Once they started introducing daily and weekly quests it was obvious the dev team ran out of ideas and put artificial time limits on content to lengthen the game and squeeze more out of subs. Cataclysm required months worth of repeatable questing until you could unlock instances. MoP was an awful story and WOTD felt like Castle Crashers with all it's crappy fortress questing and the instances didn't have that epic feel like they did in Vanilla or even TBC.
I cancelled my subscription early in the year. I would come back for this beta though. Never was itnereted enough to try for a beta tester, but this one intrigues me. Hopefully makes WoW feel like classic TBC and Wrath era again.

I thought Cat killed the game for me, with the major spell rotation changes to being priority based, and killing off the then awesome Blood DK DPS in Wrath. Cat IMO was the start of the downfall for WoW. It just hasn't felt the same since end of Wrath.
I cancelled my subscription early in the year. I would come back for this beta though. Never was itnereted enough to try for a beta tester, but this one intrigues me. Hopefully makes WoW feel like classic TBC and Wrath era again.

I thought Cat killed the game for me, with the major spell rotation changes to being priority based, and killing off the then awesome Blood DK DPS in Wrath. Cat IMO was the start of the downfall for WoW. It just hasn't felt the same since end of Wrath.

cataclysm was also the rise of the mobas like league of legends, and I think that slowly bled people away for having quick fun without all the foreplay/buildup.
cataclysm was also the rise of the mobas like league of legends, and I think that slowly bled people away for having quick fun without all the foreplay/buildup.

I keep hearing about this LoL game. What is it ? Never saw or played it before. Is it an MMO like WoW ?
Do you think this game will ever be as good as Vanilla WoW again? I played up through some of Lich King. Holy cow, what a trip that was!
Do you think this game will ever be as good as Vanilla WoW again? I played up through some of Lich King. Holy cow, what a trip that was!

Dunno, Blizzard seems to have really adopted a formula of dumbing things down. Try playing on one of the big vanilla servers now and you will see there is a huge difficulty increase vs what's there today. Not to say that modern WoW hasn't improved on a lot of things, but it was kind of shocking to realize how much easier they have made things such as leveling and fighting mobs. That being said I can't really play either form anymore. Vanilla is way too much of a timesink and current WoW just seems to cater to raiding and that's about it. WoW was always about the PvP for me.
Vanilla PVP was a joke. POM Pyro one shots, Windfury 1 shots, paladins with Hand of Ragnaros that were unkillable and could 2-3 shot people. Rogues that could solo anyone using a grey dagger. Shaman were garbage. Classes only had one viable role. Imbalances everywhere. And the whole honor system was nothing more than a giant time sink - whoever had more time to grind got the higher ranks.
Blizzard announced, that WoW numbers down to 5.5 million subscribers, their lowest point in many years.
On one hand the numbers are the lowest in years for this game, and shows this game is on a steady decline. But... 5.5 million players still for an 11 year old MMO is unheard of and very impressive, and no other recent MMO has anywhere near 5 million players, most are lucky to be in the 1 million mark at best.

I still think they need to give up on WoW no matter how successful it still is. And create a brand new next gen MMO ' World of Diablo ' a darker more mature MMO theme in that cool medieval setting.

I loved WoW but just so burned out on the game, nothing can really bring me back again. I want something totally brand new from Blizz
On one hand the numbers are the lowest in years for this game, and shows this game is on a steady decline. But... 5.5 million players still for an 11 year old MMO is unheard of and very impressive, and no other recent MMO has anywhere near 5 million players, most are lucky to be in the 1 million mark at best.

I still think they need to give up on WoW no matter how successful it still is. And create a brand new next gen MMO ' World of Diablo ' a darker more mature MMO theme in that cool medieval setting.

I loved WoW but just so burned out on the game, nothing can really bring me back again. I want something totally brand new from Blizz

wow burns everyone out. after quitting wow again, i found it very hard to play any game.
wow burns everyone out. after quitting wow again, i found it very hard to play any game.


WoW was the only game in my 20+ years of PC Gaming that really got me hooked, playing 5 to 6 nights every week, month after month, for several years. From launch till end of Wrath I was hooked, and LOVED it.

But Cat was my first burn out phase, and let down. And then MoP I only played like 1/3rd my normal rate, and by WoD I was pretty much done, the Garrisons made this game too much single player style, and for once WoW lost that MMO feeling.

Today it's just World of Raidcraft.

WoW was the only game in my 20+ years of PC Gaming that really got me hooked, playing 5 to 6 nights every week, month after month, for several years. From launch till end of Wrath I was hooked, and LOVED it.

But Cat was my first burn out phase, and let down. And then MoP I only played like 1/3rd my normal rate, and by WoD I was pretty much done, the Garrisons made this game too much single player style, and for once WoW lost that MMO feeling.

Today it's just World of Raidcraft.

I was the exact same way, except I seem to come back for each expansion for the first few months initially. I'm sure Legion will be the same.

Agree that they need something fresh - not just in terms of a game/world, but a new graphics engine would also do wonders.
For those that still play (not me, I hate blizz, see other posts); I've gathered from relatives/friends that the best way to play wow these days is to:
Play for 1-2 months at release, get first tier of raid content done, then drop sub.
Wait 6-12 months, then resub for another 1-2mo, and finish the rest of the expansion's content, then drop sub.
Wait for next expansion, rinse/repeat.
I played for 3 years starting back in Burning Crusade. After Cataclysm I just couldn't do it anymore so I quit and forgot all about it until WoD came out. In December I got the battlechest with MoP for $5 which also had 30 days game time.

Got WoD months later and have made so much in game gold that I don't have to pay for a subscription for a long time.

If I had to pay each month there's no way I'd do it. Now I play for a month or two, stop and then come back a month or two later. With the in-game token system it's made it easy to play for 30 days and then stop and come back later.

Probably won't get Legion at launch but it really depends on when it comes out.
My account started on Nov 24 2004. I haven't been subbed in about six months though. So burnt out. High point of the game was TBC. IMHO, the game died with server transfers.
For those that still play (not me, I hate blizz, see other posts); I've gathered from relatives/friends that the best way to play wow these days is to:
Play for 1-2 months at release, get first tier of raid content done, then drop sub.
Wait 6-12 months, then resub for another 1-2mo, and finish the rest of the expansion's content, then drop sub.
Wait for next expansion, rinse/repeat.

This is exactly what I do these days. Get tier 1. Wait until 6 weeks from next expac, run public raids and then run normal-hard raids. Enjoy content without stress as I no longer need to stroke my epeen. Play new expac.
my account will be unbanned in 9 days :D
Legion Releasing by September 2016

- The regular version costs $50

What a frigging joke :rolleyes: This game is already crashing pretty hard and bleeding subs more than ever. And now the new expansion is not due out until approx next September ( Well could be earlier, but most expect it to be July at the very best case scenario, most likely August release )

So this will be like 15 months since the last patch and new expansion release, even longer than the 14 months from SoO patch to WoD release.

Whatever happened to shorter Raid release patches, so Blizzard could concentrate on faster expansion releases, they said back after Cat, wanted to get on a 12 to 18 month max release schedule.

Oh yeah, and $50 for the standard expansion box. LOL, they used o be like $29 or $49, bit $50, and then to have such a long time between expansion releases, where you truly only getting like a a year or so worth of new content.

Opinions ?
I personally hate the early access portion. Too many games do it and people will give in just to have it at max a week early. The price is kinda high. I think d3 ros was 40 at launch. Which is what I think it should be at.

I'd personally be all over the 100 boost but I'm a very casual player. I'm sure most people have all class s at max level now.

The release date kinda sucks. Most servers are dying quick or want you to be like at least 10/13 mythic to even get in a raid group
I haven't been a constant sub since the the beginning but I have bought every expansion and sub for six months. Right now I'm thinking the only way I'll be picking up this one is if I have no other games to play when it comes out.

I like early access myself. Seems it might smooth out problems related to too many players trying to get in and questing n the same areas.
Christ, another YEAR?? I'm pretty successful at staying away now for a couple months, but man... I feel bad for current subs.
I've been out of the loop for several months. I thought there was a new expansion this fall?
Nope... WoD looks like it'll be around for another year. Gogo GW2 at this point.

No kiddin'. wow. I thought for sure the expansion was this year. well that sucks then. Perhaps I'll get bored something this winter, resub for a month, bang out a 100, and call it a day.
BWAHAHAHAHA release date: September 2016 or ealier* Can i take my wallet back after i throw it at my monitor?
WoW is on life support, and won't recover. Right now down to 5.5 million subs, and before the new expansion release watch that number drop much lower still. And then the insane 12 to 14 months drought of nothing new at all between expansions, is just bleeding subs away.

WTF, Blizz said way back during Cat, they would move forward with expansions on a 12 to 18 month max release schedule. Never once has that happened yet. Why anyone supports this game anymore is beyond me. Shitty graphics, super mind numbing boring grindy gameplay. And it's basically become World of Raidcraft and nothing else. If you don't Raid there's zero point to play after you reach end level.
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Leveling up in expansions is so fucking boring and tedious, to me it's a super grind, that I have to force myself to do. When I was Level 90 starting off in WoD, go out to the first new zone, grab a bunch of quests, and go kill 10 monkeys and collect their cocks and return, and get another quest to kill 15 deer and harvest their antlers, rinse and repeat a thousand quests like that to get to Level 100. Holy cow, I'd rather watch paint dry than do that for fun. That's not gaming, that's just pure waste your soul time sink crap, if you have nothing else do to whatsoever in your life, like you were in Jail and could either just sit in your cell twitting your thumbs, or grind out some levels in WoW.

Sure say just run dungeons instead, that's just as bad, go into the dungeon, and whack a few dozen enemies over and over in waves, until you finally reach the first boss, and then kill him, and then go after another 100 wave of monsters, whack, whack, whack, rinse and repeat. Zzz... puts me to sleep.
Sure say just run dungeons instead, that's just as bad, go into the dungeon, and whack a few dozen enemies over and over in waves, until you finally reach the first boss, and then kill him, and then go after another 100 wave of monsters, whack, whack, whack, rinse and repeat. Zzz... puts me to sleep.

I honestly didn't mind this. Throw a movie in monitor two. Play my resto shaman in monitor one. Kill a couple hours. I do the same in D3. Run a few GRifts while watching a movie. Make some gold. Collect some mats. meh