WoW addon clean-up


Aug 28, 2004
I downloaded a few addons for WoW and tried to find one that worked better than the others- only problem is one of them left a remence behind and things are fucked up somewhat and extremily annoying is there any way other than reinstalling the game to get the user interface back to default "out of the box" settings?
Molingrad said:
I downloaded a few addons for WoW and tried to find one that worked better than the others- only problem is one of them left a remence behind and things are fucked up somewhat and extremily annoying is there any way other than reinstalling the game to get the user interface back to default "out of the box" settings?
Delete your interface folder.
yup that's all there is too it, just delete the folder... or atleat the addons folder
It's possible for addons to leave footprints behind in the savevariables.lua file in the Wow DirectoryWTF/*Account*/ folder .
meh....all the damn add-ons that get fucking broken every patch is part of what pushed me to quit the game. it was fun for a while, but it was too much like work just to keep the damn thing running like it may have been a different story if Blizz would have included all the add-ons with the game, but just have them selectable, and support them so that they don't get broken each time there's a patch to the game.
xXaNaXx said:
meh....all the damn add-ons that get fucking broken every patch is part of what pushed me to quit the game. it was fun for a while, but it was too much like work just to keep the damn thing running like it may have been a different story if Blizz would have included all the add-ons with the game, but just have them selectable, and support them so that they don't get broken each time there's a patch to the game.

After logging in and your at the character select screen theres a button the bottom left corner that says 'Addons'. Click that and it leads to your addon screen that shows all the addons it detected on startup. Theres a checkbox that I think says "Load out of date addons". Check that box and it forces all addons to load ignoring the out of date problem.

At least half of my addons are "Out of Date" and they still work flawlessly. You can even increase the UI memory now up from the default 32mbs.
yeah, i know all about that, and stuff was still broken all the time.

but like i said, that wasn't the only reason i was a combination of the broken add-ons, Blizz's inability to get rid of lag in IronForge/Auction House & surrounding areas, the game just getting plain boring, and the monthly fee
yeah everytime a new patch comes out, all that crap is broken for a week or so.
its a pain. i just turn em all off for a week, and then reinstall. works pretty good.
]|[ Mar']['in ]|[ said:
It's possible for addons to leave footprints behind in the savevariables.lua file in the Wow DirectoryWTF/*Account*/ folder .

Actually, if there's not an addon present to tell the game to keep the certain information in savevariables.lua, that information is purged upon shutdown. So if you get rid of a mod, it's data is gone after the next time you exit the game.

Deleting the interface folder should get rid of everything.