WoW Beta offline after today :(

bonkrowave said:
I wouldn't say it takes months and months to get to end game content ... I play for about a week and a bit ... I didn't play much at the end of the test and I got to level 25. I know the exp needed to lvl ramps up but still ... I was playing for like 3 - 4hours a day max for a little over a week and I was at lvl 25.

And Characters need to be balanced not for PVP but so there is not some uber class everyone is goign to pick and make teh game unbalanced.

I played for 2 weeks, 27 hours total, and I was level 16...
Bennyb said:
Seems like there was quite a bit of destruction at ironforge on server 23 :p

Suposedly there was a dreadlord right outside... never made it that far :D

I have some nice pics of the same infernal on test 4 at crossroads with 30+ people trying to beat on it. Will post it when I get home from work.
Steel Chicken said:
pretty sure that was fixed in the patch from a few days ago,
but ive not played a hunter class yet

Hunters fun if you want to solo but for tight quatres instances hunters are ballz. Hunters also suck in melee, which is to be expected I guess. I heard that the pet bug was fixed as well ... but it wasn't on test10 PST last night when the beta ended. I was pwning all the idiots in the crossroads with there pvp flags up:) And they could not fight back.

PS. Hunter suck really bad in PVP as well ... I mean really bad.
ya on test 28 we had that infernal at stormwind along with about 5 dreadlords... we managed to kill all the dreadlords but got raped by that infernal. I guess my real bitch is that I'm going to pay 50 bucks for a game I cant even play solo? so i'm paying 50 bucks for the right to pay 15/month more? wow. and wow.
Gongo said:
ya on test 28 we had that infernal at stormwind along with about 5 dreadlords... we managed to kill all the dreadlords but got raped by that infernal. I guess my real bitch is that I'm going to pay 50 bucks for a game I cant even play solo? so i'm paying 50 bucks for the right to pay 15/month more? wow. and wow.

I am not going to purchase the game right away, mostly because of the cost to CDN consumers. Its going to be around 200$ for the CE plus game time. If that is not too much .... well Bill Gates called and he wants his money back.
Gongo said:
I guess my real bitch is that I'm going to pay 50 bucks for a game I cant even play solo? so i'm paying 50 bucks for the right to pay 15/month more? wow. and wow.

Granted, I don't think that charging $50 to start up is reasonable, but beyond that, you're missing the whole point of a MMORPG - it's MULTIPLAYER RPG. Most games let you solo, but you can go farther faster if you have a group. Most good RPGs let you have a party - in this case, the party is just other people.

I mean, is it realistic to think that, you, solo, can wipe out the goblin king & all his minions? No. It takes at least 3 people to overthrow an empire.
You can play solo, I usually unless im on a quest thats too hard for one guy, like the instances
A great game, I'm going to be there when the servers go green!

I'm a guild leader, if anyone is looking for a "I know everyone in my guild" type of guild, with a high emphasis on organized battle tactics and much much more please PM me or contact me (contacts at bottom).

The name of the guild is : Guardians of Eternity
Team : Alliance
Server : PvP (probably eastern server)

The concept behind this guild came about through my experiance as a guild leader in EQ of 100+ people. The guild was huge, but the turnouts were somewhere around 50% for minor events and 70% on major events. This was dishearting. So I created a sub-guild that I handpicked all the members from. This worked out much better, I had 98% turnout and the guild was much happier, stronger and all that good stuff.

All members are required to be able to use TeamSpeak (ie. have a mic) :)

Contacts :

AI.M - stormlifternet
Ya.ho.o - stormlifternet
I.CQ. - 297047789
All this talk about balance. Surely you can't expect Blizzard to have the game completely ballanced by retail. If you're just meaning more balanced than it is now, that's understandable... but there is no way they can have a game like this fully balanced at release. They don't fully know yet how people will play these classes, and until they do, they won't be able to properly balance anything. And even then, the way people play will change/adapt, requiring further balance changes. It's tough to EVER fully balace a game like this. Desiring MORE balance is fine, but don't blame them for lack of polish just because every class isn't 100% even with the next.

My only complaint would be lack of high end content. Now there is reason to not have that, like there is for lack of balance.

And as for constant patches and changes, that's just the way these games work. I rather like that idea, because a year from now we'll be playing a very different WoW than we play at release (if we're still playing then). Then you can remenisce with your buddies about how far the game has come, and you can tell stories to the noobs about all the things they missed out on.