WOW graphics card and CPU review, about time.


Limp Gawd
Oct 24, 2004
This is the first CPU, GPU round up on WOW that I have come across. I really need to upgrade my XP3200+, 333mhx fsb apparrently :eek: (compaq motherboard clocks the fsb down to 333mhz at Northbridge) WOW GPU CPU Roundup
I read the article. While I do appreciate their review...they failed to cover to REAL issues I believe WoW has w/ game performance. They covered the case of "you are soloing and this is how the game is" and the "well, sitting idle in is what we got".

The cases which really kills most machines were not covered 1) Near an AH in a major town 2) 10+ toons in a combat situation. This is a MMOG..not a FPS w/ 16 players in network mode.

Understanding what WoW wants in these situations would be of more benefit than the obvious "if you move the sliders to the left you get more FPS" and "more RAM is better".

I wish they would have taken several configurations CPU/Card/RAM and ran through Org w/ FRAPS running. That would have been nifty to see. Same goes for a BRS type run.

While the data I want would be harder to get...I feel it would be of more value. I would like to see that 6200 beg for mercy when the player runs into Org on a weekend on a high population server.


P.S. I wonder what effect HDD access speed makes.
good to see. the thing that ive personally noticed having the biggest effect is terrain distance.
ive heard lots of people say going from 512MB to 1GB made a huge difference as well.
Yeah like one run from the inn to the Bank in Ironforge, going right past the Auction House. I agree something like that would be alot more helpful, but it's shocking to me to see a MMORPG getting reviewed on a major site like that.
sohcugy said:
Yeah like one run from the inn to the Bank in Ironforge, going right past the Auction House. I agree something like that would be alot more helpful, but it's shocking to me to see a MMORPG getting reviewed on a major site like that.

are you kidding? with 1.5million subscribers, no tweaking guide yet that ive seen, they just made alot of ad revenue
sohcugy said:
Yeah like one run from the inn to the Bank in Ironforge, going right past the Auction House. I agree something like that would be alot more helpful, but it's shocking to me to see a MMORPG getting reviewed on a major site like that.

I believe that since their is 1.5 million users that the owners of Anand probably figured they probably got 10,000 or so players who pass through their site and thus it justified the article. My guess is they probably burned no more than 40 hours on that article and that is why it was super detailed like some of their roundups.
