WoW HD 4650 settings help.


Limp Gawd
Dec 19, 2006
Phenom II 555 BE
4GB Patriot 1333MHz
HD 4650

My question is, I do have most of the settings maxed out except the shadows. I basically turned it all the way down. I'm getting good FPS out of the card and CPU but I wanted to maximize it even more. How do I use Catalyst to make the game look good yet have good FPS and what settings can I use on WoW's video settings?
Shadows one tick below max. I don't know why but at max it kills performance. But one tick below gave me the same performance as if I turned them off. And it still looks good.
Shadows one tick below max. I don't know why but at max it kills performance. But one tick below gave me the same performance as if I turned them off. And it still looks good.

same, shadows are killer. I turn shadows to medium and leave it at that, As long as I can shadows from flying mounts of players that are about to jump me I'm happy lol.
Use CCC to turn up Anti Aliasing and Anisotropic filtering, these cost performance however, there's no settings you'll enable that increase visual quality and also increase frame rate, you balance one vs the other.
Ok then. I don't mind bringing down some of the eye candy. So on the Catalyst I bring down which settings? Do I leave the settings on high on WoW and adjust on Catalyst or vice versa?
Just adjust the settings in game. Don't even bother with the Catalyst settings. They will only try to adjust every game to whatever you have catalyst set to. There is a difference in having everything maxed out in WoW and everything maxed out in Far Cry or Crysis. This way you have better control over your quality to performance ratio.