Wow!!! Looks like we have another big producer!


Limp Gawd
Aug 4, 2004
I was just looking at the EOC stats and MrValentine is pumping out some major folding power! Looks like he has 55 cpus!

6k in the last 24 hrs according to EOC.

That's some nice production.
Welcome MrValentine. :)

..and thanks for your contributions.
yeah, i saw him when he joined a couple weeks ago. Was thinking, "well, at least I'll be ahead of him for about 1 month..."

Welcome to the team MrValentine! :D
wait lemme get this straight, he has 55 computers folding for him?? wow, thats like me going to my library and downloading F@H on all of the 150 computers that are there..
jojasary said:
wait lemme get this straight, he has 55 computers folding for him?? wow, thats like me going to my library and downloading F@H on all of the 150 computers that are there..

Ok, what's your point? ;)

Just get permission :D
hey, i did that to my old school... they just got restarted and i haven't had a chance to reb0rg them. can't wait to go do it... but i need time first. stupid school:(

i also wanna do my current school, but i have to go talk to the guy first, and i don't like talking to people in person. anyway.

g/l to MrValentine, whoever he is. hopefully we'll get a bunch more like him.
my farm at home is down and my prod has been 0 for a bit... i wish i could b0rg this place, that would be crazy.
That is some great production. Keep it going MrValentine, and welcome to the [H]orde! :)
Thanks guys. Ya I figured I may as well put all the machines I manage at work to some kind of use. All the people at work use their machines for are filemaker, and websurfing.

My largest performer is my dual 3.2 xeon, i'm running 4 instances of FAH and it still rips through units faster than any other box.

Hopfully I can get another 10 machines up this week. My goal is to be in the top 100 by the end of the month :) :)
MrValentine said:
Thanks guys. Ya I figured I may as well put all the machines I manage at work to some kind of use. All the people at work use their machines for are filemaker, and websurfing.

My largest performer is my dual 3.2 xeon, i'm running 4 instances of FAH and it still rips through units faster than any other box.

Hopfully I can get another 10 machines up this week. My goal is to be in the top 100 by the end of the month :) :)


i feel so inadequate :p

good job man!
MrValentine said:
Thanks guys. Ya I figured I may as well put all the machines I manage at work to some kind of use. All the people at work use their machines for are filemaker, and websurfing.

My largest performer is my dual 3.2 xeon, i'm running 4 instances of FAH and it still rips through units faster than any other box.

Hopfully I can get another 10 machines up this week. My goal is to be in the top 100 by the end of the month :) :)

MrValentine is an appropriate nic for you. :)

God Bless you . Good work.
Wow, you blew by me so quick that I didn't even see you
/me gets out the binolulars and waves :D

Thank you for signing up for team 33! and welcome to the fold.
MrValentine said:
Thanks guys. Ya I figured I may as well put all the machines I manage at work to some kind of use. All the people at work use their machines for are filemaker, and websurfing.

My largest performer is my dual 3.2 xeon, i'm running 4 instances of FAH and it still rips through units faster than any other box.

Hopfully I can get another 10 machines up this week. My goal is to be in the top 100 by the end of the month :) :)

Screw the top 100 goal, you'll be in no-scroll land pretty soon. Make sure you pet the team Moose when you pass him. Don't feed him though, he'll never leave you alone if you do. :)
pageian said:
Screw the top 100 goal, you'll be in no-scroll land pretty soon. Make sure you pet the team Moose when you pass him. Don't feed him though, he'll never leave you alone if you do. :)

Man, I've been hearing enough about moose hugs and reach around lately, and now you have to bring up heavy petting with a moose? Oh wait... I'm the one that stuck the heavy in there... :eek:

I'll certainly give you a Hi-5 as soon as you pass me MrValentine!! (In about 4 days or something...)
pageian said:
Screw the top 100 goal, you'll be in no-scroll land pretty soon. Make sure you pet the team Moose when you pass him. Don't feed him though, he'll never leave you alone if you do. :)

You may want to check out the hug a moose thread also. That way you will quickly learns the do's and don'ts of the moose. You really don't want to do anything that will cause the moose to make the sound in that thread. Really, you don't. :p