WOW... MGS4 looks totally...

What an INTALIGENT post!

what the f is your problem? Maybe I'm miss understanding you but haven't PC games been hi-def for ages? And ya PC games have higher texture resolutions which would normally equate to more file space. PC audio also is usually at 44hz supporting 7.1 surround. Not uncompressed but I don't think anyone has been bitching about that. So MGS4 comes along and it's 50 megs. OK. Sounds like there's something not right here when you can't put two audio tracks on.
I never played any of the MGS games. Do they all tie in together? If I play the original MGS, will I be better prepared for the other games or does it not matter? I hear the other games are awesome but I never actually played them.
The music, sounds and fmvs are going to contribute to the game being so astronomically large. Plus this game is supposed to be longer than MGS3...

I bet when we finally get the game, play it on a decent sound system and have older people around us having heart attacks during gameplay, we'll forgive some of the short comings of this game.
Nice try. Your original argument was BS. ;)

I take the wink is sarcasm?

Because my "orignal" argument is the same argument. I'm not clear on what your talking about.

wopsang said:
The music, sounds and fmvs are going to contribute to the game being so astronomically large. Plus this game is supposed to be longer than MGS3...

Longer than MGS3. So it'll be 4 hours instead of 3 ;) None of the MGS gameplay have been long. Lot of dialogue between characters. MGS never uses FMV. It's all in game cameras.
Honestly... at this point I've seen nice looking games with mediocre stories... and right now the story telling aspect of MGS really has my attention... so what if some of the textures aren't Uncharted great... you can't roll around in a can and barf in Uncharted can you? :p
I never played any of the MGS games. Do they all tie in together? If I play the original MGS, will I be better prepared for the other games or does it not matter? I hear the other games are awesome but I never actually played them.

Yes, very much so. The story goes, MGS3, MG1, MG2, MGS, MGS2, MGS4. MG1/2 is referenced in the first MGS game... or maybe just MG2. You should atleast play MGS and MGS2, lots of returning characters. I'm unsure about MGS3, but I think MGS3 will tie in as well.
Some of you people are really dumb. Crysis is supposed to be one of the best looking games out there, yet 90% of world computers cannot run it. Just because artists can create CG looking graphics, doesnt mean we have the hardware (or the funds to purchase that type of hardware) to run it. You have to work with what you have.

Its like if a game doesn't come out looking like real-life, people think it looks bad.
I can name a few games that look better than this. Gears for example.

If this game is supposed to justify the PS3 purchase, I want it too floor me. Right now it looks just like another 3rd person action game.

I think thats what every PS3 fanboyy is hoping for. We'll see..
Some of you people are really dumb. Crysis is supposed to be one of the best looking games out there, yet 90% of world computers cannot run it. Just because artists can create CG looking graphics, doesnt mean we have the hardware (or the funds to purchase that type of hardware) to run it. You have to work with what you have.

Its like if a game doesn't come out looking like real-life, people think it looks bad.

Well, thats what happen when you hype the hell out of a game. Sides, the recent hardware (360, and ps3) are both basically saying we have awesome hardware and such, so they should be able to back it up, no?
I don't think any Metal Gear Solid game as of yet has really been a letdown. I've thoroughly enjoyed them all so far.
Some of you people are really dumb. Crysis is supposed to be one of the best looking games out there, yet 90% of world computers cannot run it. Just because artists can create CG looking graphics, doesnt mean we have the hardware (or the funds to purchase that type of hardware) to run it. You have to work with what you have.

Its like if a game doesn't come out looking like real-life, people think it looks bad.

Interesting statement seeing how most people won't be able to experience the artistic sound experiences in this game either.

pothb and bboynitrous: Actually you probably should play all of the Metal Gear Solid series (can avoid the orignal 8-bit Metal Gear games) I know MGS4 is going to bring back Eva from the original encounter with The Boss (MGS3). The main bosses names in this game seem to be refereing back to older bosses by combining the name. Does that mean anything yet? Who knows? But the thing is this is supposed to answer all the weird questions never answered.

They are going to release the MGS essential collection very soon which will have all 3 parts for $30 bucks. Great deal.
Interesting statement seeing how most people won't be able to experience the artistic sound experiences in this game either.

pothb and bboynitrous: Actually you probably should play all of the Metal Gear Solid series (can avoid the orignal 8-bit Metal Gear games) I know MGS4 is going to bring back Eva from the original encounter with The Boss (MGS3). The main bosses names in this game seem to be refereing back to older bosses by combining the name. Does that mean anything yet? Who knows? But the thing is this is supposed to answer all the weird questions never answered.

They are going to release the MGS essential collection very soon which will have all 3 parts for $30 bucks. Great deal.

I have played all the Solid games, its the old NES/MSX ones I never played. And yuo're right... I forgot about "Big Momma" .... I guess the name just freaks me out a bit too much. So MGS3 would be more involved...

And taht sucks... the collection, I mean, its great that all 3 is in there, but its not the Solid with updated graphics, or so it seems anyway. The cutscenes in Twin Snake were epic!

Blu-ray too Small for Metal Gear Solid 4

I would love to see their title if there was an X360 version.

I saw that earlier. I'm sure they're using a lot of uncompressed audio and FMV. Also, like previous PS3 games, data might be duplicated in other spots of the disk, to reduce seek times, on the slower Blu-ray drive.

As far the screenshots are concerned, the game looks good. I'd just say it doesn't look any better then most of the better looking PS3 and Xbox 360 titles already out. I suspect most people won't be buying this game based on graphics anyway, considering the following. I think I'll pass though. I've just never been able to get into this series.
Well, thats what happen when you hype the hell out of a game. Sides, the recent hardware (360, and ps3) are both basically saying we have awesome hardware and such, so they should be able to back it up, no?

Well hype is sometimes necessary to get the game out there. Remember that it is a business and if no one knows about the game, then no one will buy it. A lot of original games will have hyped up sequels only to be let down because everyone sets the bar up so high with their imaginations they don't even get a chance to really sit down and look at all the good things the games offer. You have to see past the graphics unless the game is truly crap and bug laden.
Between Gran Turismo Prologue and DMC4, and Uncharted to say that MGS4 isn't wowing me for a nextgen title.

DMC4 had excellent motion capture and excellent cinematics. To see the combos in person vs the youtube videos are no comparison. Youtube seems to speed up the appearance of the action while in reality, it flows a bit slower but it's so detailed and rich while it's happening that it looks amazing. It's just too bad you are concentrating on NOT getting hit while being graded on how stylish (or sadistic) you can be killing an enemy.

also the aforementioned games had better textures and color palette selection than those screenshots. Look at GT's road texture... it looks like pavement dammit!, cobblestone roads look like they have dimension(aka bumpmapping).

And uncharted didn't do jungle like crysis, but it worked it's magic for the situation.
I think those screen shots look great. If you think COD4 looks good (PC or PS3), then there is no reason to think this is any different. Very similar colour schemes and graphics.

This game will move PS3's. I should know. I will be buying one for it :)

And then, I will be ebaying my 360 (finally). And whoever said GOW looks better than MSG needs their eyes testing.Remember that GOW had the most repetitive gameplay ever... move in new area, crouch and hide whilst you kill baddies to clear it, then move to new area.. and start again. YAWN !
And whoever said GOW looks better than MSG needs their eyes testing.Remember that GOW had the most repetitive gameplay ever... move in new area, crouch and hide whilst you kill baddies to clear it, then move to new area.. and start again. YAWN !

Since when was discussing graphics related to the gameplay?

I think almost everyone can agree that a game like GoW looks better than this. The real question is, does that matter?

I think everyone can agree that while it may be a little disappointing, it has very, very little to do with what this game could be (and in my opinion, what an MGS title ever has been).
And then, I will be ebaying my 360 (finally). And whoever said GOW looks better than MSG needs their eyes testing.Remember that GOW had the most repetitive gameplay ever... move in new area, crouch and hide whilst you kill baddies to clear it, then move to new area.. and start again. YAWN !

I think GoW looks the same, except replace the typical MGS gray with brown.

As for people asking about the greenish tint... have you guys played an MGS game before? They've all been like this, it's just how it is. I imagine if you don't like the previous games, you won't like this one either.
Low poly count: check.
Low to Medium res textures: check.
Funky Camera: check.
Crappy shadows: check.
Poor object placement: check.

Yup it is a console game alright!
No its an illusion.. the texturing of the truck is very different than the texture of the floor. Its like in old cartoons where you can tell when something is gonna be animated in the background because it doesnt blend with the static background.

I'm going to disagree. At some point (namely where the tires touch the ground), the shadows should intersect with the tire. If the sun were in a different location causing the shadow to be cast over the chimp and people, then there would be other shadows too.

Anyway, there doesn't have to be clowns and crap, but there are other colors in third-world countries - washed out orange taxis, blue cars, dirty green mil vehicles. Overall the two screens on the first page make this game look like ass.
She may look like plastic in a screenshot, but her clothing may look like cloth in motion. Wait to play it then critique.
Oh, and god, does every 3rd person game has to have the same over-the-shoulder camera as did the RE4? I mean honestly, Gears of War, GRAW 1/2 (360), even Mass Effect... enough. In some game, it don't work too well.
Make mountains out of molehills much? Does this mean you think FPS games should ditch the first person camera?
Low poly count: check.
Low to Medium res textures: check.
Funky Camera: check.
Crappy shadows: check.
Poor object placement: check.

Yup it is a console game alright!

I saw a quote from Hideo Kojima (MGS creator) that they had to trim parts of the game out just to fit it on a 50GB blu-ray disc.... makes me kinda wonder what is going on if theres 50gb of data and the screenshots above are even vaguely related to the actual game.
With 50gb of data, WTF? I swear if the game wasted it's space of 50 gb because it wanted "blue-ray" resolution movies on it instead of high quality AND VARIED textures, detailed sound, incredible gameplay, long levels, and 20+ hours of non repetitive gameplay I will rip sony a new one for allowing such waste of time.

Video is nice and all, but there has to be a line drawn as to whether they wanted to make a game, or a movie with bits of interactivity.
"Blue-Ray" movies are going to be either at a low count, or have none at all. Have you played MGS? There arent even movies at all, just ingame cutscenes. So much criticism from people who, for some reason, dont know MGS quality. I really dont know when the series failed at one point. Sure the raiden thing was pretty stupid, but do we still love kojima? Yes. Hes the only person to totally change the main character and get away with it.
"Blue-Ray" movies are going to be either at a low count, or have none at all. Have you played MGS? There arent even movies at all, just ingame cutscenes. So much criticism from people who, for some reason, dont know MGS quality. I really dont know when the series failed at one point. Sure the raiden thing was pretty stupid, but do we still love kojima? Yes. Hes the only person to totally change the main character and get away with it.
Hint: those special features on the disc may well indeed be movies of interviews, behind-the-scenes looks, etc. He doesn't know what's on those discs, but then again, you don't, either.
Low poly count: check.
Low to Medium res textures: check.
Funky Camera: check.
Crappy shadows: check.
Poor object placement: check.

Yup it is a console game alright!

Yeah I used to feel the same way... Until my mom need a new computer, so i gave her the one in my sig + a 19"widescreen monitor and she bought me a premium holiday bundle. I feel like an idiot for not making the switch before, it just more fun, especially with our new 55inch HDTV.

The game does look fugly though, which isn`t surpising since the Japanese's Devs(aside from Capcom, Tecmo and a few others) seem to be WAY behind the western devs in terms of graphics fidelity.

Also anyone that claims GoW is ugly, is just trolling. Weither or not you think the gameplay sucks, the graphics are amazing and still hold up after a year, as long as you have a decent tv. If 90% of these games were pc games only, you guys would be jerking off to them.
With 50gb of data, WTF? I swear if the game wasted it's space of 50 gb because it wanted "blue-ray" resolution movies on it instead of high quality AND VARIED textures, detailed sound, incredible gameplay, long levels, and 20+ hours of non repetitive gameplay I will rip sony a new one for allowing such waste of time.

Video is nice and all, but there has to be a line drawn as to whether they wanted to make a game, or a movie with bits of interactivity.

When the hell are people going to learn that the space on the disc has no way affected the textures in this game. RAM and fillrate are of a much higher concern than 50GB being lacking.

Kojima is a perfectionist, the space was likely used for 7.1 lossless audio and as much uncompressed information as possible.

Also, not once did Kojima "complain" about 50GB being too little. If you guys would actually read the source interview, you'd realize he simply said compromises had to be made for the game to fit on 50GB. This is not that hard to believe considering you could fill up 50GB with uncompressed audio, art assets, and videos fairly easily. Ever game compresses at least it's art assets to quite a large amount. It was definitely the best looking console game for a long time, but I think it's been surpased by a few (R&C and Uncharted).

Also anyone that claims GoW is ugly, is just trolling. Weither or not you think the gameplay sucks, the graphics are amazing and still hold up after a year, as long as you have a decent tv. If 90% of these games were pc games only, you guys would be jerking off to them.

I'd say Gears has a nice sharp look to it, but the distance "blur" effect is one of the worst I've ever seen in a game. I find it really detracted from the graphics, as the distortions just ruined all image quality in the frame.

I thought Bioshock on the 360 looks better than Gears as well...but that's more of an art style preference.
Hint: those special features on the disc may well indeed be movies of interviews, behind-the-scenes looks, etc. He doesn't know what's on those discs, but then again, you don't, either.

That stuff will be on the collector's edition disc.
Much of the space on the game disc is probably audio. Like people have said, MGS games don't typically include a lot of FMV.

Saying the game has average graphics based on one or two screenshots is feeble minded.
The first MGS game on each next-gen playstation has always looked incredible, Guns of the Patriots will not disappoint, unless you have wildly unrealistic expectations.
Low poly count: check.
Low to Medium res textures: check.
Funky Camera: check.
Crappy shadows: check.
Poor object placement: check.

Yup it is a console game alright!

hahahaha i laughed :p

but in all seriousness, the models look good...but everything else is pretty 2004 as far as graphics are concerned.....
Playable demo from July 24th 2007
If your lazy skip through the video about 3/4 (11min to be exact) through and watch the fire fight in the middle of the street. Pretty impressive to me and that build was from July '07.

You asshats are judging a game by some low rez screenshots, watch it in HD and in motion and STFU.:D
You asshats are judging a game by some low rez screenshots, watch it in HD and in motion and STFU.:D

The images are 1280px × 720px... close enough. The only thing that I see that is bad is the low-res textures on the truck, the metal structure and the bad shadows. Yes, it does look better in motion but I wish they used slightly better textures on some objects. The rest of the image looks good.
seems like some PC gamers are trolling in here because they are waiting for the next frame of crysis to load on their pc. lets wait for the game reviews of mgs4. it is afterall a GAME, and not a few screenshots.
The images are 1280px × 720px... close enough. The only thing that I see that is bad is the low-res textures on the truck, the metal structure and the bad shadows. Yes, it does look better in motion but I wish they used slightly better textures on some objects. The rest of the image looks good.

1280x720 is HD >.> and yea, the texture look like crap for a game that doesn't fit on a 50gb blu-ray. And imo, it doesn't look better than Gears. Though I'm guessing this game is gonna be tons longer with lots more dialogue.