Wow, never thought my last name would make someone mad

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Mar 12, 2003
I was playing on a server called OSF (Outlaws of Sherwood Forest For CS: Source and I kept seeing my name being changed to Merry_Man. Well I play under the name High. Now High is my last name. My full name is Joel T. High. I saw this and changed it back. Admin told me to change my name. I told him over and over agian, "no I'm not changing it because I was born with this last name and I choose to play with it." Admin doens't listen, so he kicks me. I join back same shit. Kicks me again. Now this was a server that doesn't allow you to say any bad words either. Don't you just love these types of servers for "Mature" rated games? They should put a warning on the title of there server so I know not to join them.

Anything like this happen to anyone or funnier stories?
thats fuckin gay dude why the fuck should they care i mean, thats almost as bad as my friends house they have a "cursing jar" that you have to put money into each time you curse one time i slipped up and his mom heard me say damn..they tried to make me put in a dollar i told them to FUCK off and left burning out in there drive way
cell_491 said:
thats fuckin gay dude why the fuck should they care i mean, thats almost as bad as my friends house they have a "cursing jar" that you have to put money into each time you curse one time i slipped up and his mom heard me say damn..they tried to make me put in a dollar i told them to FUCK off and left burning out in there drive way

Whoa man, you need a hug.
maybe so...but dont ya think its crap when people tell you you cant do sumthin say have a certain scn for an online game
Their server, their by 'em or leave. Don't like it, find another or start your own. It can't get much more simple than that.

Most servers have rules posted on the welcome screen when you join a server. If that didn't....still doesn't make a difference. There are a ton of servers out there, go into a new one. It is nothing to get upset over or comment on really.

As for cell_49:
No matter what your age is, that kind of posts lends everyone to safely assume it is not that of an adult, or even a mature teen, or a moderately behaved toddler. Grow up in the maturity ranks will you?

I personally like the servers that have active admins and don't allow for such things. Makes playing the game fun. For me and other grown-ups at least.
i personally love yellin and screaming and cursing especially when your blowin the crap out of people online. lets say halo2 on xbox live if you just got a running riot with a 16player game on beavercreek your gonna want to scream YALL JUST GOT FUCKIN OWNED, not wow i am really doin good in this wonderful game that we all love to call halo 2 isnt this just really great guys....
cell_491 said:
thats fuckin gay dude why the fuck should they care i mean, thats almost as bad as my friends house they have a "cursing jar" that you have to put money into each time you curse one time i slipped up and his mom heard me say damn..they tried to make me put in a dollar i told them to FUCK off and left burning out in there drive way
If that happened to me, I would just laugh in there face.
Before I posted this I sent an Email off to the Admin. This is what I got in resonse.

Hello Joel

Thank you for letting us know about the problem you had. Unfortunately the admin probably missconstrued your nick with a refference to abusing a controlled substance, these things happen and every admin is unique in how he/she percieves infractions, some are very strict some are a bit more lienient.
What server were you on? If you let us know ( wich server ) We will let the admins know that this is your given name and not a refference to drug abuse.
Please read our server rules and keep on fraggin. Respond to this address for any future correspondance.
Thank you

Oversight Committee
The Outlaws of Sherwood Forest
[email protected]

I feel better now.
cell_491 said:
umm ok not sure what that means but ok

It means grow up little guy :D

Glad you got it resolved. I just kick/ban/slay the TK'ers on the 90% Glass server I admin.
My last name has the word "Dyke" in it. I don't play under that. though maybe i should. hah.
cell_491 said:
thats fuckin gay dude why the fuck should they care i mean, thats almost as bad as my friends house they have a "cursing jar" that you have to put money into each time you curse one time i slipped up and his mom heard me say damn..they tried to make me put in a dollar i told them to FUCK off and left burning out in there drive way

cell_491 said:
i personally love yellin and screaming and cursing especially when your blowin the crap out of people online. lets say halo2 on xbox live if you just got a running riot with a 16player game on beavercreek your gonna want to scream YALL JUST GOT FUCKIN OWNED, not wow i am really doin good in this wonderful game that we all love to call halo 2 isnt this just really great guys....

you're one of the reasons i quit playing that game...if you're gonna yell at the tv when you kill someone, plz mute your mic. lol
cell_491 said:
i personally love yellin and screaming and cursing especially when your blowin the crap out of people online. lets say halo2 on xbox live if you just got a running riot with a 16player game on beavercreek your gonna want to scream YALL JUST GOT FUCKIN OWNED, not wow i am really doin good in this wonderful game that we all love to call halo 2 isnt this just really great guys....
I say "Better luck next time man ^^"

cell_491 said:
i personally love yellin and screaming and cursing especially when your blowin the crap out of people online. lets say halo2 on xbox live if you just got a running riot with a 16player game on beavercreek your gonna want to scream YALL JUST GOT FUCKIN OWNED, not wow i am really doin good in this wonderful game that we all love to call halo 2 isnt this just really great guys....

You also the guy that ruins peoples movies by gabbing and talk on your cell phone loudly in the library? Point is, is it that important for you to say "your favorite word" when you are excited when there could be many that are offended by it? Use it all you want when your with your buds, but when in public try to respect the public. In my mind this counts for XBL play especially since you don't know anyone you're affecting. You use Halo2 as an example which granted is a mature rated game. But for some reason I imagine you don't generally care to watch your mouth depending on any games rating level. :p Might have something to do with you not respecting the authority at your friends house. Seems its more important to "do your thang" and "keep it real." Some are givers, some are takers. And the world continues to turn...
I'd find another server to play on that isn't adminned by Hilter's grandchilden. When I used to admin CS servers I didn't care what anyone's name was or what they said to each other, as long as it didn't become annoying. Once you became annoying I told you to shut the hell up or be kicked (or just banned the really retarded people).
I kind of know what you mean but I must admit I dont like seeing racist names but everything else I am basically cool with.

As a side note I cant stand servers that dont prohibit cursing even though I dont curse much. I even saw one with a caution "please dont curse, kids may be playing" but it is perfectly fine for them to simulate murdering people and getting desensitized to violence. :confused:
I find it funny that they have no problem blowing people away with shotguns and grenades, but a supposed drug reference is absolutely out of the question.

Please, won't someone think of the children? (who are blowing each other away with semi-automatic weapons)
Tiny said:
Their server, their by 'em or leave. Don't like it, find another or start your own. It can't get much more simple than that.

Most servers have rules posted on the welcome screen when you join a server. If that didn't....still doesn't make a difference. There are a ton of servers out there, go into a new one. It is nothing to get upset over or comment on really.

As for cell_49:
No matter what your age is, that kind of posts lends everyone to safely assume it is not that of an adult, or even a mature teen, or a moderately behaved toddler. Grow up in the maturity ranks will you?

I personally like the servers that have active admins and don't allow for such things. Makes playing the game fun. For me and other grown-ups at least.

"Now THIS guy has his head screwed on straight..."

Totally with you- I get tired of "leet speak" (notice the use of actual english) and little boys that use profanity in the place of pubic hair, gainful employment, and other things that make you a man. I know the world isn't "rated G", but when you start using "f_ck" as an adverb it might be time to rethink the vocabulary and learn new words.

Nothing worse than a server full of kids that just finished wacking off to Jamie Lynn Spears. As far as screen names go, as long as their not racist or totally perverse, then we should use what we want- I think the admin in this situation just didn't get the "last name" issue. I like the FWF servers- they keep it clean without being Nazis about it.
For the Original poster, i agree it's jsut a name i don't get why they really care, esp. if you weren't causing a problem any other way. Good job on the email, glad that they gave you a decent response instead of a generic little "screw you".

Everyone talking about Cell, it's just a word guys, and if you are all so "mature" you could deal with that and his point of view, in the DOD we have a policy against saying stuff like that in uniform but that doesn't mean that other people don't say any bad words, you deal with it and move on, thats what maturity is.
If someone creates a game server, ie. the Admin, then they get to control their server. Sometimes that may suck, as with High's example, but that's how it works.

I've got a bud who used to have a server for Red Faction back when we all thought it was a good game and he would kick/ban people for their names a lot. He mainly targeted names with racial slurs or inappropriate content, but the point is that he built the server from the ground up so he gets to make the rules on it.

Heh.... he would also bust idiots who would try to claim that they were playing on 'his' server. IT's always funny to see: "Admin: No, this is my server, moron," right before he would god-smack them across the level.
cell_491 said:
maybe so...but dont ya think its crap when people tell you you cant do sumthin say have a certain scn for an online game

Do I get mad when the admin of the server, who has generously allowed me to connect and play for free, makes a demand as minor as requiring me to change my in-game name?

Xenomaniac said:
Hello Joel

Thank you for letting us know about the problem you had. Unfortunately the admin probably missconstrued your nick with a refference to abusing a controlled substance, these things happen and every admin is unique in how he/she percieves infractions, some are very strict some are a bit more lienient.
What server were you on? If you let us know ( wich server ) We will let the admins know that this is your given name and not a refference to drug abuse.
Please read our server rules and keep on fraggin. Respond to this address for any future correspondance.
And yet the ironic thing is; anyone else observing his name will still come to a possible conclusion of 'controlled substance abuse' regardless of whether or not it actually is. If that's the way THEY perceive it, then it's an issue with THEM and not the person weilding the name.

Entirely a matter of semantics and ultimately pathetic...
Reminds me of the time I got kicked from a server for saying "thank you" in Japanese.


...because there is the word "shit" toward the end. What a fucking looser. :mad:
Wolf-R1 said:
Reminds me of the time I got kicked from a server for saying "thank you" in Japanese.


...because there is the word "shit" toward the end. What a fucking looser. :mad:

You could've just said arigato.
My last name is Law and I plan on going to Law School in two years and I just know the jokes will be rolling in...

But I sympathize.
cell_491 said:
thats fuckin gay dude why the fuck should they care i mean, thats almost as bad as my friends house they have a "cursing jar" that you have to put money into each time you curse one time i slipped up and his mom heard me say damn..they tried to make me put in a dollar i told them to FUCK off and left burning out in there drive way

Wow, you are so cool. Your mom must be proud, you should call her up right now and tell her how well she raised you.
theNoid said:
Wow, you are so cool. Your mom must be proud, you should call her up right now and tell her how well she raised you.

I don't think he has to call her up. From the tone of his posts she is still in the process of raising him, so he should just be able to shout down the hall (or up from the basement) and she'll hear him.
ThomasE66 said:
I don't think he has to call her up. From the tone of his posts she is still in the process of raising him, so he should just be able to shout down the hall (or up from the basement) and she'll hear him.


LOL your about to make me laugh out loud in the computer lab :D
cell_491 said:
thats fuckin gay dude why the fuck should they care i mean, thats almost as bad as my friends house they have a "cursing jar" that you have to put money into each time you curse one time i slipped up and his mom heard me say damn..they tried to make me put in a dollar i told them to FUCK off and left burning out in there drive way

Their house, their rules. Unless you pay rent, get over it. Let's see how cool you think that language is when you have a 2-year old son/daughter using it. Although that would insinuate you actually manage to find a girlfriend first that thinks it's cool as well. Good luck.

More on topic...had a friend do nothing more than use a politically incorrect name before starting to get flamed on DC servers. The name? Jihad Joe.
Tofu Drift said:
My last name is Law and I plan on going to Law School in two years and I just know the jokes will be rolling in...

But I sympathize.

My last name's "Pate" so we're naming our kids "Consta", "Emanca", "Partissa" and "Kaopec". :D
kpedge said:
My last name's "Pate" so we're naming our kids "Consta", "Emanca", "Partissa" and "Kaopec". :D


I want proof when it happens. Poor kids. I named my youngest daughter "Carrera".
cussing at his freinds parents , thats pretty fucked up. Its amazing how i remember not so long ago being a stupid (but not disrespectfull) kid and now i'm stressing over what i'll do when one of my kids freinds pops off at me. I hope i will have restraint and not bitchslap them. I want to be like Al Bundy and politely escort them into the wall, then out the door.
7718 said:
cussing at his freinds parents , thats pretty fucked up. Its amazing how i remember not so long ago being a stupid (but not disrespectfull) kid and now i'm stressing over what i'll do when one of my kids freinds pops off at me. I hope i will have restraint and not bitchslap them. I want to be like Al Bundy and politely escort them into the wall, then out the door.

If one of my teenager's friends spoke to me that way, it would be the last time they ever associated with my kid. Period. Yes, I'd probably bitchslap the little runt too (or at least be very tempted to).
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