WoW Player has 36 Accounts and Raids by Himself

Terry Olaes

I Used to be the [H] News Guy
Nov 27, 2006
Wow. No, not the game… well ok, the game and the sentiment. This guy has 36 World of Warcraft accounts that he plays on 11 computers simultaneously. While the loser alarm is going crazy, his setup is pretty [H]ardcore. Thanks for the link, GibsonEX!

For my keys to send to all instances of WoW on my 11 computers, I use Octopus 1.3.2. Maximizer in Octopus allows me to start up all WoW instances at the same time or any individual instance such as if a WoW instance has crashed. It also allows me to shutdown all of the computers at the same time.
It must be nice having all this money. Why not donate some of it? or maybe use it for something... IDK omre useful, like Folding or something? Dummy

South Park should do another episode of WoW based on this guy.
It costs me exactly $5711 in subscription costs per year with 36 accounts on the 6 month pay schedule. Not bad considering I’m looking at it like it’s a hobby and there are more expensive hobbies out there than World of Warcraft.

Holy SHIT. Considering the hardware cost, and the 6k a year in subscription costs... Course... Think of what he's saving on the social life :)
"Not bad considering I’m looking at it like it’s a hobby and there are more expensive hobbies out there than World of Warcraft"

I've heard such things from alcoholics and drug addicts...

This is a seriously sad situation, this guy needs any help that can be offered to him.
Hes got a perfectly decent life, just like the rest of us; its just he aint treating it proprly.
I don't feel bad for running 2 DAOC accounts at one time, back in the day.

But one was a bufbot. :)

He does have a point though about it being a hobby, some hobbies are more expensive than the one he has.
sigh...and i have ppl trying to get me into wow and i've hated it for so long. where the hell do they breed these idiots and can we nuke them tomorrow?
Well, if he can afford so much gear + subscriptions and all for WoW, he probably has a decently well paying job. He can't be that much of a loser...
Even with all those pc's and accounts it would still be near impossible to raid alone lol, dumb.
lol, I'd get confused and probably mess things up. Kudos for running 36 accounts together. o_O
I have never played WOW. How hard would it be to manage all those at the same time?
indeed no life whatsoever
and what happens when it ends?
back to reality?
something VERY important is missing in his life :(
Does this guy ever leave the house?

Holy crap. All I can say is what a gigantic loser this guy is.
This is called Multiboxing, it's a fairly well-understood concept. Though up to this point the most extreme example I had seen was a PvP player known as Xzin who ran four mages and a priest.

It's not just a base hardware cost, it's a matter of creating a specific set of macro commands for each instance and hotkeying them through a special KVM that will transmit certain keys to certain copies of WoW and not others. Xzin is $5k deep in the mess, not including time wiring keyboards together, etc.

The time investment on this must be gigantic. For one thing, the time to get 36 freaking lvl 70's without buying them or botting them yourself.

On the subject of botting, an unnamed sweedish guy runs nearly 200 accts gold farming, pulling in close to 200k a year. WoW is no longer a game, it is now the root of all evil.
My first thought was "gold farmer". He's probably making money with his setup. If he's not, I'd certainly wonder "what's the point?".

His setup is certainly [H]ard. The coordination of running the setup is certainly [H]ard. I'm more impressed with what this guy is doing than with any of the above [L]imp comments. Forums seem to breed the worst kind of people. :D

[H]ard yes...but its primary use is [L]ame
wow yea he def has no life... and with all those hardware... he better be folding on them!!! :p. and yea thats like $540 a month frigging crazy.. his parents must be real proud of him :rolleyes: :p :)

On the subject of botting, an unnamed sweedish guy runs nearly 200 accts gold farming, pulling in close to 200k a year. WoW is no longer a game, it is now the root of all evil.

And this guy does it all by himself, instead of having a sweatshop full of chinese kids like all the other gold sellers?
thats extreme but theres a guy out there that 40 boxes.been doing it since release.
And I thought me four boxing across 2 pc's (so I could play my wifes two characters when she wasn't available) in EQ was a bit overkill.

I do like the setup though!
holy Hanna! color me impressed.

When i still played Planetside i would simultaneously play with two accounts on two computers. one accounts would play a support role and the other would be the main character. it worked out great but that was years ago.
oh and i forgot look on the net,the guy im talking about has a special room just for the pcs and it looks very professional.IT guys would be envious.:eek:
3 years ago playing diablo 2 i had 9 computers running bots farming items to sell on ebay, so im not entirely surprised at this. On a scale like this though, this guy is a hero of all sweaty nerds.
Well, if he can afford so much gear + subscriptions and all for WoW, he probably has a decently well paying job. He can't be that much of a loser...

I used to work with someone who would go to work just to pay for WOW, and then he' go home to his "real life" which was playing the game. To people like this, life an work are just a means to living their virtual life, which to them is their actual life.
If he has the skills to play 36 characters at once then more power to him.
Fuck sakes. Wow breeds the worst kind of humans.

Meh, to each his own. But personally, I think if a guy can play 36 WoW characters AT ONCE and do it well, he's pretty fucking smart, and he's got some untapped talent that could probably be put to good use in the real world if the right person would find him.

I always thought something like this would be badass to do, I just never had the money and resources to even try running two WoW accounts at once LOL.
He obviously earns the money somehow, what he does with his free time and money is entirely his choice. May not agree with it, sure it is a bit strange, but who are we to judge someone when some people on these forums spend over $5000 on a mod project that they are just going to wind up replacing again in 2 years?
Is this for real? I know WoW isn't a twitch type game, but how do you manage 36 characters at once?