WoW Players, did you switch to War? and Why?

So I think Krammer would like to have new spells every 10 levels or so, which are just better versions of the older ones like most MMO's provide. Why not do away with that and use the same spells and have them scale with level? I don't even understand the argument here. Its like you are saying one is better than the other, when they are essentially the same. I appreciate that you don't like the game, but originally it was asked that people in high end raiding PvE, (WoW was asked specifically even though I responded from EQ2), if they were switching to War and why, not to come in here and start trashing War again like in all other War threads...
Im glad you don't like it, and believe it or not, we all know you don't like it. Just answer the OP's question. Did you raid high end PvE in WoW and then did you switch to War and if so then why? Not omfglulz pew pew pew War suxors over and fucking over...
If any of you who quit WoW for WAR have a well geared Alliance Druid (badge gear, T6), PM me if you would.
I'm a witch hunter and I use every skill I get, I haven't found a skill that isn't useful yet. Gear does matter, just not as much as WoW. Better gear will always help you out but not enough to make a fight completely and utterly one sided. If you are using only 3 skills you are doing something wrong.

LOL @ TF2 COMPETITIVE PLAY Biggest joke ever.

Maybe it was just the marauder then. Combat came down to "hit flail a lot" in order to maximize damage output against a single target. Everything else was frankly a waste of a global cooldown. There was practically no PvP utility to any of the skills, even his snare was melee range and only lasted 5 seconds with a 10 second cooldown.

And I don't mean competitive play in TF2 only. Eventually, a person will log enough time in an online game to want something a little deeper, and competitive play offers that regardless of the FPS in question (assuming it has enough players to support it)..

And if I want the elitist rationale regarding what competitive play should be, I'll go chat with some hardcore CS 1.6 players to whom every other competitive scene is a joke. Just because TF2 is a game designed for casual players doesn't mean that there can't be any semblance of a competitive scene.

So I think Krammer would like to have new spells every 10 levels or so, which are just better versions of the older ones like most MMO's provide. Why not do away with that and use the same spells and have them scale with level? I don't even understand the argument here. Its like you are saying one is better than the other, when they are essentially the same. I appreciate that you don't like the game, but originally it was asked that people in high end raiding PvE, (WoW was asked specifically even though I responded from EQ2), if they were switching to War and why, not to come in here and start trashing War again like in all other War threads...
Im glad you don't like it, and believe it or not, we all know you don't like it. Just answer the OP's question. Did you raid high end PvE in WoW and then did you switch to War and if so then why? Not omfglulz pew pew pew War suxors over and fucking over...

Every post I have made regarding the WAR vs. WoW debate has been completely rational and mature. Sure, I am argumentative and biased toward the WoW, even if I don't play either game and frankly think both of them suck (WoW just sucks less). I'm simply trying to point out my specific reasons for why one is better than the other.
I'm a witch hunter and I use every skill I get, I haven't found a skill that isn't useful yet. Gear does matter, just not as much as WoW. Better gear will always help you out but not enough to make a fight completely and utterly one sided. If you are using only 3 skills you are doing something wrong.

That's what everyone says about every MMO when it first comes out because:


There isn't much end-game to speak of. Not much end-game content nor players at end-game nor end-game mass equipment inflation.

Same thing happened in WoW. When classic WoW was somewhat new, having a good set of blues was just as good (and for many cases, better) than epics from the first raid instances (Molten Bore and Onyxia). It took an entire year before the gear discrepency started to show.

Just give it some time, there'll be people who walk all over you just like in every other MMORPG. That's the whole point. If time and dedication did not equate to improvement, then you might as well just play a multiplayer FPS. Persistent world and character development doesn't exactly mean anything if everything is static.

If you don't like that fact then MMOs aren't your genre. It'd be like complaining that all platformers have too much jumping. If you don't like jumping, don't play platformers.
I, as a long running WOW player, switched to WAR when it first came out wanting to LOVE the game...I ended up hating it, so now I'm back playing WOW and feeling cheated by EA out of $75.
That's what everyone says about every MMO when it first comes out because:


There isn't much end-game to speak of. Not much end-game content nor players at end-game nor end-game mass equipment inflation.

Same thing happened in WoW. When classic WoW was somewhat new, having a good set of blues was just as good (and for many cases, better) than epics from the first raid instances (Molten Bore and Onyxia). It took an entire year before the gear discrepency started to show.

Just give it some time, there'll be people who walk all over you just like in every other MMORPG. That's the whole point. If time and dedication did not equate to improvement, then you might as well just play a multiplayer FPS. Persistent world and character development doesn't exactly mean anything if everything is static.

If you don't like that fact then MMOs aren't your genre. It'd be like complaining that all platformers have too much jumping. If you don't like jumping, don't play platformers.

Someone has never played Guild Wars.
I stopped playing WoW during closed beta WAR and have never thought about looking back.

One thing I love about WAR is there is PVP. Real, honest PVP. Not 3 guys 50 levels above you ganking a zone PVP. Actual, you vs me PVP. It is so refreshing that when I see someone charging me down in the battlefield, I have a chance to defeat him. I love Battlegrounds/Scenarios. No twinks with uber level enchantments dominating the battlefield to make it pointless to do unless you twink yourself out as well. Seeing as I have a day job and two kids, I never had the time to twink out a guy in WoW, so BG experiences were limited to me getting smacked down hard and called a n3wb. Now, I'm usually sitting in the top 3 of my team (more often first) every time because I know how to use my skills instead of just brute forcing with extreme enchantments.
Maybe it was just the marauder then. Combat came down to "hit flail a lot" in order to maximize damage output against a single target. Everything else was frankly a waste of a global cooldown. There was practically no PvP utility to any of the skills, even his snare was melee range and only lasted 5 seconds with a 10 second cooldown.

well then you really suck at playing this game dude.

Sure I spam flail sometimes btu it all depends on what im doing. Im constantly throwing on rends, corruption to reduce there toughness, and either touch of rot or the anti-caster spell, then I either start using flail and keeping ym debuffs/dots up or I go monstro and start AOE enemies. Not to mention ou have to make sure to keep the 50% healing debuff on if there a healer or getting healed.

And that 5 second snare has gotten me alot of kills, you cna do alot of damage to a caster in 5 second if he tries to run,

If all your doing is spamming flail then no wonder you think te marauder sucks
well then you really suck at playing this game dude.

Sure I spam flail sometimes btu it all depends on what im doing. Im constantly throwing on rends, corruption to reduce there toughness, and either touch of rot or the anti-caster spell, then I either start using flail and keeping ym debuffs/dots up or I go monstro and start AOE enemies. Not to mention ou have to make sure to keep the 50% healing debuff on if there a healer or getting healed.

And that 5 second snare has gotten me alot of kills, you can do a lot of damage to a caster in 5 second if he tries to run,

If all your doing is spamming flail then no wonder you think te marauder sucks

I only played a maruader to lvl 7 and already I was switching between the two different arm stances, and using debuffs to slow/poison/bleed stack. Then there is the one big ability you get* that you have to switch over to a different arm stance to use.

I used at least 5 abilities by that point easy.

*for that level range
Someone has never played Guild Wars.

Yeah, you just proved my argument. Who plays Guild Wars? Oh right, no one. There's just no longevity in it. The only reason why it's considered an MMO in the first place is because they put it on the box. It's about as much of an MMORPG as Diablo II was (except people actually played D2 for more than a couple of months).

Again, the whole point of the genre is development and progression. If there is none, then there is no motivation to continue playing. If you do not want to play a game with a constant character development factor, then you shouldn't try to squint and fit an MMO into your search, and there's nothing wrong with that. I much prefer RTS for multiplayer, and that has zero persistant in-game progression.
Yeah, you just proved my argument. Who plays Guild Wars? Oh right, no one. There's just no longevity in it. The only reason why it's considered an MMO in the first place is because they put it on the box. It's about as much of an MMORPG as Diablo II was (except people actually played D2 for more than a couple of months).

Again, the whole point of the genre is development and progression. If there is none, then there is no motivation to continue playing. If you do not want to play a game with a constant character development factor, then you shouldn't try to squint and fit an MMO into your search, and there's nothing wrong with that. I much prefer RTS for multiplayer, and that has zero persistant in-game progression.

I knew a lot of people who played Guild Wars and last time I logged on there were many many people still playing. Gear in Guild Wars was only used for small buffs, small yet still helpful enough to be useful and not helpful enough to make you all powerful (WoW). As for your entire second paragraph you are putting words into my mouth, please don't do it because I don't do it to you.
And you see the same thing from hardcore fans of WAR. Every thread/discussion about WoW turns into a commercial about WAR. Why some people cant figure out that different people like different games is beyond me, theres no need to try and force whatever it is you like down the throats of someone else.

I like WoW, no amount of "sales pitches" from WAR players is gong to change that. I dont go into a rage whenever someone says something against wow.

Imagine if everyone liked the exact same thing how bland and boring it would be
You might not see it yet, but this is a major failing of WAR as an MMORPG. An MMO has to be progress driven. The homogeneity of the items and the progression in general is a major turn off in WAR, you don't feel like you are changing as you go through the levels. I brought a marauder up to level 20 in the open beta and I was still using the same 2 or 3 boring skills I had acquired within the first 5 levels to kill everything. I didn't feel like I was progressing in the way that I did when I leveled in WoW for the first time.

Frankly, the PvP argument can go fuck itself. You want good class and skill based PvP? Then may I direct you to Team Fortress 2. MMO PvP can never evolve to the level of FPS PvP and it will forever be inferior in virtually every way.

Not sure if we're playing the same WAR?

Progress wise you start off a newb with really crappy cloth clothes and about 2 spells/actions. By level 20 which you were at you have a whole array of spells/abilities, not to mention several morale abilities, several career tactics slots, depending on your RR you will also have a couple of renown tactic slots and a tome tactic slot. You will have also progressed from only bein able to use white gear to having many greens available, some blues and even some purples, plus you'll have additional slots/items available to you that you didnt at early levels like cloaks, certain jewlrey and several trophy slots to show off achievements.

Im not actually sure what more you could want as far as progress goes, at this point you look pretty awesome too.

What does WAR have that something like TF2 have?

For starters TF2 is limited in scale, you'll never have 100vs100 battles in TF2, you'll never have proper tactics in TF2, Im talking about squad/warband tactics where groups can be split off to flank, the sort of tactics and gameplay only possible when you have large scale fights and many units to essentially position and balance.


I'm ambivalent about this. To some degree, I like a separation in gear between the haves and the have-nots. The degree of separation, and the various grinds and PvE required to become a "have" is what's always bugged me about WoW itemization.

Something more like the "achievements" of CoH/CoV, or the type of unlockable stuff you can find in Team Fortress 2 would be cool, imo.


Well theres an awful lot of unlockable content in the tome of knowledge actually, there's tome tactics, weapons, armour, trophies and propbably some other stuff as well, I think theres additional tactics.

People keep saying WAR is boring if you play by yourself, but so is WoW. If you don't have friends both are going to get really boring. PVP in WAR is actually fun and not based on gear. Weapons are purely for auto attack and stats, no skill has anything to do with weapon damage like in WoW. (Crusader Strike and Back Stab) WoW PVP was mostly just getting WTFPWND by hunters 2k damage autoattack and warlocks skillcoil. Class balance in WoW is so fucked up and classes keep getting overhauls over and over again. Oh and yeah I had a pally so the 4 years it took to fix pallies was terrible.

PvP in WoW was an afterthought, the fact that the end game is a constant grind for gear to do more and more epic dungeons is a clear indication that the tactics Blizzard use to keep you playing is desireable items which take effort to get, which turns it into a job, rather than a game played for fun. I actually liked WoW up until that point...

Yeah, as much as I didnt like playing WAR its good for WoW to have a competing MMO do well rather than fall flat on its face. IMO both games doing well will make both of them better. What makes it even better is WoW focuses on PvE and does it well, Mythic focused on PvP and has obviously done a good job at it.

WoW lacks good PvP and WAR lacks (IMO) good PvE they can "borrow" from the strong points of each other and that should make 2 kick ass games.

Little off topic, but in response to your comment about WoW pvp never comming back. IMO the high point of WoW PVP was fighting ALL day long at Tauren Mill

I've read this a few times about PvP, in my experience so far WAR's PvE is not really any different to WoW's, I played WoW 1-70 and didn't see a greater variation on quest types etc, in fact if we count PQ's as PvE then I'd say WARs PvE is superiour. People keep bigging up WoW for PvE which I agree is its focal point, but I dont really see examples of why its better...
PvP in WoW was an afterthought, the fact that the end game is a constant grind for gear to do more and more epic dungeons is a clear indication that the tactics Blizzard use to keep you playing is desireable items which take effort to get, which turns it into a job, rather than a game played for fun. I actually liked WoW up until that point...

Agreed 100%. 1-60 on WoW was very memorable and a lot of fun. Once I hit 60 the only thing there was to do back then was raid ZG, MC, and BWL over and over again or try to hit Grand Marshall back when only the #1 player could have that title. It got old real fast and I didn't want to be logged on at a certain time every night just to run an instance. I bought BC looking for something different and only got more of the same.
Alot of warcraft lore is taken straight from warhammer lore, its interesting to see how they place in the game, so far i like the story of warcraft better in the fact theres not so much of it that it blows your mind, its easy to keep up with and remember, but warhammer on the other hand is ... just damn i can't remember half the books i read.
Alot of warcraft lore is taken straight from warhammer lore, its interesting to see how they place in the game, so far i like the story of warcraft better in the fact theres not so much of it that it blows your mind, its easy to keep up with and remember, but warhammer on the other hand is ... just damn i can't remember half the books i read.

Then once you play WoW you throw the entire story out the window.
playing both, but only play WAR when my other 2 friends are on cause solo is extremely boring. Leveling is a grind as well, its really noob friendly and nothing challenging about reaching lvl 40, if you are into pve this is not your game, pvp wise, its fun but this game will die for me as soon as friends stop playing or if they do not fix those CTD issues which seem to get more rampant as more and more patches are released. I still do arena in wow, with some bgs.


Because it was really fun to casters when melee was able to exploit bad game dynamics, amiright? This game doesn't even have mouse-turning to compensate for the ridiculous system WoW put in place.

Or let me put it another way. I'm trying to shoot this guy with my "BFG" from 60 yards away. He does some crazy shit and manages to get within 5ft of me. But he does a little side-to-side jig on his way in. Is there any realistic scenario where I have trouble aiming at him from 5ft away?

Or somehow he gets behind me and starts banging on my armor. How hard is it to turn and focus on somebody who's right behind you? Not very, right?

They should be giving ranged casters an auto-turn and a point-blank bonus. Count your blessings.

? argument works both ways. You give the caster the ability to auto focus and aim, that leaves no room for the melee to use the advantage of dodging to score the hits. Quit trying to act as if the wow system was broken. There were plenty of ways to escape a melee class in wow. Look my main in WoW is a lock a i never complained about teh melee getting to me, cause after all what is the point of of being long range caster if no one can get you. That makes it noobish in my book. The fun in wow pvp is the ability to try and play mind games with the person LoS or inability to turn quick, or the idea of the melee trying to chase the caster. Not lets target someone and let it turn you to where they are at, at all times.

Both games shared their faults and benefits, and my opinion is that this game is far more user friendly than WoW and its basically rewarding players for playing instead of effort. WoW rewarded pvp in terms of small money and honor for the welfare gear, and for those serious, arena for the better gears. Here is mostly lets just grind for Renown Rank and capitalize on the merchant gear or random drops. PvE wise, i dont care about it in WaR as it is a major grind and not the point of WaR.
that leaves no room for the melee to use the advantage of dodging to score the hits

Right...but ranged DPS is still hampered by rooting cast-timers, whereas almost all melee abilities are run-n-gun, right? Yeah, it really does work both ways, bro, except that the "melee advantage" of "dodging around to score hits" was entirely biproduct of gameplay dynamics in a 3rd person environment. No, I don't think there should be "auto-aim" either, but if there's no mouse-turning then the playing field needs to be leveled somehow.

The last game I played that struck a good balance was Diablo 2, and even that got ridiculous after Enigma came out. BvC barbs pretty much owned from that point on.

WoW rewarded pvp in terms of small money and honor for the welfare gear, and for those serious, arena for the better gears

Except arena is blatantly unbalanced and really rewards you for choosing the right class 70 levels ago, and the right spec once a week. :rolleyes: There's a reason they're shifting their focus away from Arena and back towards BGs, bro.

Look my main in WoW is a lock a i never complained about teh melee getting to me (/snip)

Lolwhut? I just caught that. Dude, if you think (offensive) melee vs caster is balanced in WoW, then I don't even know how to talk to you.

I now seriously regret the time I spent responding to your post at all. :(

I wanted to love War.. I really did. I just didn't like it.
Oh well.. back to wow until the next mmo comes around.