WoW "Spyware" news item


Aug 4, 2004
This was an interesting item on the front page today so I looked into it a little more. Basically the things this "hoglund" person says are true - Blizzard is snatching a good deal of information from your system and sending it back to the mothership. But as I poked around on the site I realized that hoglund is a developer for WoWSharp - Now I'm no expert, but it appears that WoWSharp is a bot program used for automated farming. Of course they don't come right out and say this on their site, but they don't say much about what WoWSharp actually DOES either.

As you read through the news blog on the WoWSharp site you will realize that they have had an ongoing code battle with Blizzard to keep their program running. Apparently the only reason Blizzard has to go to such extreme lengths to gather information from your machine with their "spyware" is to prevent cheating. It's an interesting moral and technical dilemma for Blizzard and WoW players.

I agree with the fact that it is spyware, you cannot argue with that fact - although personally I am quite happy to have it on my system. To me its a very clever trick of Blizzards to catch cheaters and I have no objection to it, as it will have no adverse affects on any parts of my life. The only people this will affect are cheaters, and for the majority of people this will be a good thing.
I say get em Blizzard. I don't want cheating. I don't have 500 windows open while playing WoW. How difficult is it to just make sure that you don't have any spreadsheets open with your family's Social Security numbers on them.
Good for WoW.

3rd party programs such as this WoWSharp totally killed the game Asheron's Call with speed hacks, enhanced radars on the screen, trade skill bots, attack bots, buff bots, magic bots, yadda yadda yadda. I actually liked AC until these bots just killed the gameplay.