Wow, the 360 NBA2k7 graphics are some of the best ever seen!


Identified Troll
Nov 16, 2005
I'm no fan of videogame basketball or anything, but I download some of these demos to check out the graphics on stuff like Madden. They're usually pretty impressive. But NBA2k7 takes the cake. It's incredible! (Like I said I'm no Bball game expert and dont care about the gameplay, just talking graphics).

There is some issues that it kinda gets into "uncanny valley" territory, because sometimes the animations and faces look a bit awkward and stuff, because now every player appears to have their real faces.

And the stadiums, just like in Madden are incredible. Fans walk up and down the stairs in the background. Even the sideline cheerleaders are like their own realistic, highly detailed models.

Hope to take some pics and post them later. Crap digicam and low end LCD TV, but still should be cool.
They are very nice, and to think.. this is all the tip of the iceberg ;)
Anyone know what song that is during the loading where the chick is like "La la, la la la..."
Psychotext said:
Just checked it out on Gamespot and it looks like GTA Vice City level graphics (Was the most similar I could think of).

Oddly though, this looks a lot better (from an older set of screenshots):

[Edit - lol, in fact the graphics on gamespots screenshots seem to get better as they get older!]

LOl, I would not trust Gamespot they have the worst screens ever.

In fact that's a good trick, if you're ever in a argument and want to make some certain game look bad, I always know Gamespot is the place. They also dont even havve 720p X360 screen but some 540 crap.

I'm just saying, I've never seen a Basketball Video game A) on a next gen console (PS3 or 360) in HDTV before in my life. And it's just mindboggling.

Sort of like I remember when I got a Playstation One for the first time and looked at Gameday (sony's football franchise, this was before Madden took everything over). Coming from SNES it was quite amazing, and I thought it looked exactly like a football game on TV (funny though, each new generation still brings vastly improved graphics too football games).

I'm not through here, I'll take shots of the game on my TV. They may be crappy I dunno. Or at least I'll find some IGN videos or something so you can see next gen sports does indeed look fab!
Just played the demo. Smooth FPS all the way until tip-off. From there it looks like a stop motion animation. Other than that, nice presentation.
Lamont said:
Just played the demo. Smooth FPS all the way until tip-off. From there it looks like a stop motion animation. Other than that, nice presentation.

I'm sure you did.
I was exspecting more out of the game performance-wise being that it's their 2nd for the 360. I'll have to get the full game to see everything they did I guess.
When you first boot the demo who's the player you see on the first splash screen Lamont?

Okay my screens are done. I took a few, most didn't turn out very well I guess, it's not as impressive as in person or I'd hoped, but mostly I'm just playing around anyway so I dont care. It's a $99 several year old digicam and $550 HDTV too, so take that into account. Anyway I tried some with flash some without. There was much blur on some, one turned out nice.

This is the best one imo because there just happened to be not much motion blur.

Now I am going to try to take a short video and find a decent qaulity place to upload it. I know my camera doesn't have sound capability though.

Edit: Uploaded the videos they are the two files with extension .flv. Turns out my camera can only do 20 seconds of 10FPS 320X160 or something video, so it's horrible, but anyway. Since I did the work I will post them. It's funny I was trying to play with one hand too.
Oh and that's not Miami's stadium. I'm being nit-picky now ;). And the facial animation hasn't changed from last year from what I have seen in the demo.

I think they poured all the man-power into the characters (as it should be), because they are better than last years.
Hey, I wasn't trying to make out that the graphics were rubbish. Just that given the gamespot screens were all I had seen (and they clearly sucked) I was interested as to why you had such a high opinion of it.

The game certainly looks better in your screenshots.
Meh on my 2407. I've seen better. I only downloaded the demo cuz you guys said it looks nice too :p
Zinn said:
Meh on my 2407. I've seen better. I only downloaded the demo cuz you guys said it looks nice too :p

I find my Xbox 360 looks less than spectacular on my 2405, let's face it 1280x720 (720p) is kinda low end in terms of computer resolution for modern day games. I played PGR3 and the Test Drive Unlimited demo on the 2405 and it looked awful, with horrible aliasing and blurry textures. So I hooked it up to my 61" 720p DLP in the living room instead and it looks so much better, the aliasing and low rez textures isn't as noticable and distracting.

With that said, I thought the NBA 2K7 demo looks pretty impressive in some parts (player animation especially) and meh in some other (player models look kinda low poly to me). It still impressed me enough I'll probably pick it up in 2 weeks.
I like the way most of my 360 games look on the 2407... you're right, PGR 3 looks like crap, but pretty much every other game I play normally (Dead Rising, Saints, Oblivion) looks awesome. Playing on my HDTV would be ideal but I like gaming at my desk...
Boogak said:
let's face it 1280x720 (720p) is kinda low end in terms of computer resolution for modern day games. I played PGR3 and the Test Drive Unlimited demo on the 2405 and it looked awful, with horrible aliasing and blurry textures. So I hooked it up to my 61" 720p DLP in the living room instead and it looks so much better, .

Huh? Is it just becuase you where sitting closer to the smaller screen or does your TV really blur stuff up that much? :confused:
[T5K]thrasher said:
Huh? Is it just becuase you where sitting closer to the smaller screen or does your TV really blur stuff up that much? :confused:

I played a bit of 360 at a Kiosk, that was on probably 19-21" widescreen or something. I only played PGR3, and I don't know if it was setup properly, but it looked horrible. I wouldn't be lieing when I say that PGR2 on my 20+ year old SDTV looks better. I really should've tried out other games to see if it was just limited to PGR3 or not. Think I might go down next week and make sure they've set it up properly and have a few other playthroughs of demos.
i think it's cuz PGR3 kinda looks like shit tho... the road has the appearance of grey carpet through most of it... it doesn't look like a road at all. Need for Speed Most Wanted does the road right ughh
[T5K]thrasher said:
Huh? Is it just becuase you where sitting closer to the smaller screen or does your TV really blur stuff up that much? :confused:

I figured it was probably due to native resolutions. My DLP is 720p native so no scalling is necessary, the 2405 is 1920x1200 so scaling a 1280x720 picture to that made it look horrible. Best analogy I can think of is watching up a low res movie fullscreen on a high resolution monitor... you see the nasty artifacts.
Boogak said:
I figured it was probably due to native resolutions. My DLP is 720p native so no scalling is necessary, the 2405 is 1920x1200 so scaling a 1280x720 picture to that made it look horrible. Best analogy I can think of is watching up a low res movie fullscreen on a high resolution monitor... you see the nasty artifacts.

Ah, ok. Doesn't the 360 have a built in scaler that will put out a 1080i signal?
Fight night round 3 is much better graphics wise...I've played both.
2k games ALWAYS looked and played better than the Madden or Ea series. No doubt. Shame no more ESPN football. That thing was sweet.

NBA 2k was always my preffered as well.
i agree. although some maddens arguably had some advantages over the 2k series, nba live has never come close to competing with the 2k series.
It makes sense that FNR3 looks way better. only a few guys to render. Compared to all the players on the court and bench in a B-Ball game.

I just hope the 2K games do better on the PS3, I am sure they can squeeze some power out of that thing and make the game run/look better.
I saw the EA boxing game, FN, and really wasn't impressed. Yes they look nice but boxers are way faster and more fluid.

They look like 2 robots, slow robots, fighting each other.
2k games ALWAYS looked and played better than the Madden or Ea series. No doubt. Shame no more ESPN football. That thing was sweet.

NBA 2k was always my preffered as well.

agreed. played the NBA 2k7 demo and the plays seemed so real and natural. As opposed to EA's live, where the players seem so mechanical and robot-like.. actually, madden is like that too..
I saw the EA boxing game, FN, and really wasn't impressed. Yes they look nice but boxers are way faster and more fluid.

They look like 2 robots, slow robots, fighting each other.

totally depends on who you are playing with, and how they punch if you do left right jab combos with nearly any of the boxers they let loose a furry of punches...slow guys or same arm power punches over and over are pretty slow, but jabs and left/right combos get moving really quick...give it another shot.

Muhammad Alli in the game is fantastically fast.
Sharky974 said:
When you first boot the demo who's the player you see on the first splash screen Lamont?
I answered your question, so where's the follow up? I still don't know why you were so defensive. :rolleyes: