WoW vs WAR


Fully [H]
Aug 3, 2004
so, checking some screen shots of WAR - to me it looks like WoW (i didnt play WoW)

what is the difference between the 2 and what makes one better then the other?

allot of people are giving WAR some hype, is it the competitor to WoW or completely different?
IMO WAR is better, it has everything WoW has but it builds on that, fixes all the stupid gameplay mecahnics and allows a truly epic realm vs realm battles.

If you like large battles with hundreds of players then WAR is your choice, if you just want to do solo quests (PvE) then either game will work.
PvE in WAR is terrible. I mean that, it's absolutely terrible. My guild joined the game and for the first twenty levels or so we were having a blast, PvP you could level yourself up with viably. Then the massive xp it took to gain levels made it so you had to grind..and well most of us are around the 30 level range, because grinding PvE bores us to tears.
If you like large battles with hundreds of players then WAR is your choice, if you just want to do solo quests (PvE) then either game will work.

Let me fix that for you.
"If you like large battles wih hundreds of players to where you run in and die, or where it doesnt even take skill because the side with the biggest zerg wins" play WAR.

I liked WAR at first. But it's true, even though my close group of 5 people can kill a good 8-9 team, all that happens in any RVR(Not scenarios) is whoever has the most people wins.
Game is a blast, the graphics look pretty damn good, not AoC or EQ 2 good but pretty dam good on my GTX 280 with everything cranked on my Sammy 24". The grinding still exists, but because of Mythics game mechanics and how the Public Quests tie into Realm vs Realm and Solo quests there is always something going on, it just flows unlike WoW.You don't notice the grind because there is almost zero downtime waiting for respawns or instance resets. In WoW I may have to kill 100 of a certain mob to get a drop of 5 items or 10 items I need for the quest, in War if I need 10 items from mob x I kill 10 mobx and guess what? I get ten quest drop items. What a novel approach. :eek:

If I get tired of soloing, I run Public Quests, tired of that? run Open RvR, tired of that Scenario RvR. I always have something fun going on. I actually want to login to the game. The icing on the cake for War is the RvR. NO ONE does PvP like Mythic, it just rocks. Unlike WoW where I have to grind Battlegrounds for Uber leet gear just so I can have good enough gear to grind away night after night after night so maybe I can get invited on a raid. In War I PvP to increase reknown then can buy Reknown gear, sometimes very very nice blue or green gear drops off of someone I just killed in RvR and I can even level up my character while doing RvR. WoW can't touch that no matter how good you think the game is.

I have played WoW on and off since beta. But quite frankly WoW endgame sucks major ass in my opinion. Having to grind grind grind, raid raid raid night after night just on the hopes my DKP is high enough I might, might mind you, get a good drop is not fun. I play to have fun. WoW endgame is not fun, at least for me.

War is just a blast and different enough to keep me interested. I like WoW, but I love War. :D

I am playing both at the moment. Still undecided about WoW. I love my Rogue but have only logged into WoW for around 4 hours total in the last month vs every day for War.
Both games are very similar to each other, but If you didn't play WoW i'm guessing you're not going to play WAR.
Let me fix that for you.
"If you like large battles wih hundreds of players to where you run in and die, or where it doesnt even take skill because the side with the biggest zerg wins" play WAR.

I liked WAR at first. But it's true, even though my close group of 5 people can kill a good 8-9 team, all that happens in any RVR(Not scenarios) is whoever has the most people wins.

Incorrect, the biggest zerg doesn't win all the time, it's more likely to win because thats how these things work, you take more people you naturally expect to have an advantage, thats war 101.

In scenarios you can see a huge difference between a good and bad squad, a bad team will lose 10 points to 500, in a matter of minutes.

Tactics matter, theres never just 1 target, if you're in a "zerg" it's up to you and your squad to decide if it's going to work, or could you (while the enemy is distracted) take the fight to them elsewhere, there is 12 battlefronts in the entire game, a minimum of 3 you can play in at any one time.

Another thing is that zergs are defendable, i've been part of numerous defences where we turned up to stop a zerg and suceeded by pushing the enemy back or maintaing an impossible defence which means they tend to get bored and bugger off.

Its not broken like it was in games like planetside where stopping a zerg was more or less impossible, keeps can be really well defended and it takes tactics (global tactics) to create a window to attack keeps which the enemy can't afford to defend or are too distracted to defend.
PvE in WAR is terrible. I mean that, it's absolutely terrible. My guild joined the game and for the first twenty levels or so we were having a blast, PvP you could level yourself up with viably. Then the massive xp it took to gain levels made it so you had to grind..and well most of us are around the 30 level range, because grinding PvE bores us to tears.

Huh? I just gained my last two levels (27-28) solely PvPing. What you need to do is to make sure to grab the PvP quests each time before going into a scenario. You know, the ones like "Kill 20 enemy players" and "Compete in the X Scenario".
Huh? I just gained my last two levels (27-28) solely PvPing. What you need to do is to make sure to grab the PvP quests each time before going into a scenario. You know, the ones like "Kill 20 enemy players" and "Compete in the X Scenario".

That and always perform your best to get a greater share of xp. Thats how you gotta play if your char has low damage output anyway. (sucking grind performance)
Incorrect, the biggest zerg doesn't win all the time, it's more likely to win because thats how these things work, you take more people you naturally expect to have an advantage, thats war 101.

Yeah, that's true. It's the nature of RVR, or world PVP in general. Biggest team naturally wins. Everytime we take a keep that is what happens though. I guess the game just isn't for me. Even though my group of 5 friends can take 8 easily, sometimes a good 10, it still just feels like we don't turn the tide of a battle at all. In smaller pvp(Arenas, BGs, Scenarios) you can, but in RVR it basically comes down to who has the most healers, or players in general. I guess I just like feeling important and like a badass, RVR doesn't give me that :p
Huh? I thought they were the same game with different names/story?

If you actually played them instead of jumping on a bandwagon you would know they are quite different. I personally like WoW more than WAR... but they are totally different games. Anyone who says otherwise 9/10 hasn't played WAR.
People will try to get you to play one or the other. Give WoW a shot with the 10 day trial and level a toon to 20 (its the trial cap, but gives you a pretty good idea of whats in store). I don't know if War has a trial yet but I have played it and its worth a shot.

I personally play WoW but mainly because I have been playing for so long and am pretty deeply embeded into the game (Good guild, Raid weekly etc etc etc).
I'll give WAR that it looks less cartoony. I give WAR 6 months though before it fizzes out.... sorry, WoTLK and WoW just have such a larger market share.
If you actually played them instead of jumping on a bandwagon you would know they are quite different. I personally like WoW more than WAR... but they are totally different games. Anyone who says otherwise 9/10 hasn't played WAR.

I played WoW on and off for 3 months and I played the WAR beta for a couple days. So it's my honest opinion they are similar games.

There have been a lot of MMO's I've played which have adapted elements of WoW... but from what I've experienced WAR takes the cake on cloning it.
WAR didn't hold my interest long enough. It became more and more apparent that pve sucked in it. So I stopped playing. I like PvP don't get me wrong, but it needs to have a point to it.
WAR didn't hold my interest long enough. It became more and more apparent that pve sucked in it. So I stopped playing. I like PvP don't get me wrong, but it needs to have a point to it.

:rolleyes: The PvP does have a point to it. If your side, say Order controls Keeps, Capital cities etc ... then your whole realm gets bonuses server wide. Plus it's WAR, you're fighting your sworn enemy ......
:rolleyes: The PvP does have a point to it. If your side, say Order controls Keeps, Capital cities etc ... then your whole realm gets bonuses server wide. Plus it's WAR, you're fighting your sworn enemy ......

Yeah, except the fact that it looks that way but after awhile it just doesn't feel that way. I dunno the PvP was leaps and bounds above WoW's but without solid PvE I just got the meh feeling.
it would be new to me, when i meant new i meant as in diff then cs:s, tf2, gothic 3 :D i tend to play games for a long time.
After hearing the numerous amount of how great War is, I'll be looking into that game for sure.

Not had the chance to play Wow yet, but will probably skip it for the time being.
Rather than create a whole new thread, I figured I'd ask here.

What specifically about the PvE in W:AR doesn't meet your expectations or comparisons to PvE in WoW? "It sucks" really doesn't contribute to the conversation. "It sucks because...<insert reason here>" would be better (not "It sucks because it's not WoW").

For the record, I have played both (WoW from beta to now, and W:AR from closed beta to now), as well as virtually every non-free/non-mass produced crap MMO made. I have my own opinions, but I'm not going to influence any responses by posting anything until after others have replied.
This belongs in every Warhammer thread.

I find it really interesting that a lot of the PVE people enjoy WoW so much. I've played WoW for 4 years now and its really nothing more than bright colors and item farming while Blizzard repeatedly nerfs and dumbs down the content to make it ultra casual friendly.

If you are really into PVE and want a beatiful game world with great PVE and a game world that does not look like a graffiti wall, you should check out LotRO.
Should consider wrapping that image with an enhance tag so it doesn't take up so much space.

Still no one willing to comment on what it is about the PvE they don't like?
I think if you consider PQ's as part of the PvE which it really is, then WAR is better, also the dungeons like Gunbad are pretty epic in scale and have a lot of content, I think they easily rival the dungeons in WoW although theres far less so far.