WoW; why no faction only cities in Outland and Northrend


[H]F Junkie
Dec 17, 2006
I started a WoW thread earlier this week. But I want this thread about one main point only. I would have to say my #1 complaint on the two expansion is this;

Why are there no specific faction cities in Outlands or Northrend ? Thing I love about Azeroth is places like Stormwind for Alliance only, and how it will need to fend off attacking Horde, and Org having to defend from Alliance attacks. I just prefer faction only cities, Horde should not be at the Auction House standing next to an Alliance player.

And also most of the main towns or camps in the Outlands and Northrend allow both Alliance and Horde to get quests and hang out in the same areas. That really upset me when I first saw that in Hellfire the first time playing TBC. It should not be like that at all, they should never be shared in my opinion, always separated. It's not like Blizzard can't afford to pay the development team to create two different camps for each faction in each zone, and create separate big cities in each continent one for Alliance and one for Horde.

Can the 3rd expansion PLEASE have separate cities and camps, and how about a freaking Auction House and Trainers in these new cities as well. And don't tell me it would cost too much to produce an expansion like this, or need more zones and larger areas. Well if that's the case, ok make the game bigger, no one will complain about that. And after the few BILLION$ Blizzard is making off WoW I think they can afford to the development cost.
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I have no idea what you're talking about anymore, but I do know that if you whine loud enough Blizzard will most certainly give it to you.
3 reasons

1. Because as you level the game homogenizes. You start out in horde/alliance only territories, then they introduce contested territories... and from there on out you share entire zones, and quests become similar.

2. Lore wise shatrath and dalaran are both extremely large neutral factions, so it's only logical that they become large hubs to both factions.

3. Its the easiest way to remove some potential perceived bias towards any one faction
It is not like you are at the same camp. WoW has PVP element to it, when both parties quest in the same zone = chance for encounter, which is usually fun.
In Hellfire, Zangarmarsh, Blades edge mnts, Nagrand, shadowmoon and many other areas in Northrend, there are Faction only camps, just not cities.

They will not put an auction house in Dalaran or in Shat because Stormwind and Ogrimar will become ghost towns if they did.

Blizz is really pushing the whole esport, arena pvp thing down peoples throats, however pvp is a core element to the game and in areas where both sides are capable of getting quests you have an opportunity to experience the fun of PvP outside of arena or Battlegrounds.