Wrist Strain


Limp Gawd
Jan 30, 2008
I believe this is somewhat hardware related. I'm looking for something to go with my G15 Gaming Keyboard and my G5 gaming mouse for wrist comfort. The reason I ask is I'm curious what anyone else uses and does it impede gaming. I'm mostly into FPSs and I think a mouse cushion might slow me down. But my wrists do hurt after long use since my job and school requires many hours on a computer. So Ideas?
Are you sure that's the only reason that your wrist hurt? ;)

hehe, nah seriously, an important and mostly overlooked part of ergonomics is the desk you use, the height of your desk has an impact in the overall movement of your arm, so It impacts the movement of your wrists too, the idea is to minimize the bending of your wrists, you can accomplish that by maintaining an angle of 90 degrees between your arm and forearm.

Taking breaks and doing some exercises are also recommended
That's dirty Leslie, lulz.

Anyway, cushions or the type of mouse won't help you as much as proper chair positioning and frequent breaks. You could also try a wrist brace if it's bad.
You know I stop playing at times because my wrist was hurting. The one on my mouse not the one on the keyboard. I added a cushion to my chair to give me the 1 more inch to have my wrist more of a 90 degree angle to my desk. finally added a nice gel pad and that made a world of difference for me.
Adjust your lifestyle. Frequent breaks, stretching, and regular exercise will all help.
I keep one of these sitting on my desk. When my wrist starts to hurt, or I'm doing tedious clicking (AutoCAD, etc), I pull it out. Does the trick for me. Used to play CODWAW quite a bit with it too, when I had the time. Don't remember it holding me back much... could vary depending on how sensitive you like your mouse.

Awesome! I tried a new mousepad and better wrist placement and no more pain! Thanks.