WRT54G trouble


Jan 31, 2006
So I've been dealing with this issue for awhile and its finally starting to get to me.I am not very network savy i pretty much just plugged this thing in and it worked etc.I know how to log into and stuff but thats about it.The problem I'm having is about once a day I have to unplug the router and plug it back in to get it to work.Anyone know what would cause this?Its turned on the lights work and everything I just cant do any kind of network stuff (internet etc)

any info would be great,so I can stop hearing my parents say "Reset the internet again its not working"
Are you doing any P2P file sharing? I used to have some trouble with mine, then I flashed it with the Tomato firmware, and everything was fine after that.
try resetting it by holding down the reset button for 10 seconds. it'll clear the memory and force default settings.

if that doesnt work, the router is dieing, your modem is dieing, or your PC has a bad port. most likely its the router or modem.

the WRT54G is a fantabulous cheap router. but it is cheap. they dont hold up well to power surges or overheating and ive seen a lot die. i love them to death when they work, though. it's still my recommended G router for standard home users over all other brands and newer models.
Theres not not information given by the OP to give a good answer.

when your parents say "Reset the internet again its not working"

Whats not working about it?
What ISP?
What type of connection? Cable/xDSL/FIOS..
How many computers and what types of devices are on the network.

As you can see there is lots of questions to be answered.

The easy answer, Call your isp and bitch about "the internet not working..."

I've had my WRT54G for years, and have had tomato on it for the past 2 years. I will admit the default firmware is crap! I installed Tomato and have never looked back.
If you set it up default, is your wireless secured? Or open? If it's open, perhaps some kid next door is leaching from your connection...pounding it with p2p downloads.

With wireless routers...when you set them up, change the web admin password from the default one (which most partially savvy kids next door will guess)...and secure your wireless with WPA or WPA2.

Also...what is it plugged into on the WAN interface? If it's a pure bridged modem, fine, if it's an ISP supplied gateway that is a combo modem/router...you'll have a double NAT situation which will lead to performance drop, and possible double NAT issues. The answer here is to either flip your new wireless router to AP mode, or flip your combo modem/router to pure bridged mode so your own router obtains the public IP address on its WAN interface.

Flashing your router with 3rd party firmware such as DD-WRT or Tomato can increase stability, and squeeze a little more performance out of it.
My 54g didn't like the AP setting. It kept on dropping my laptop in the house. (DD-WRT)

But to contribute to this thread.. try what YeOld suggested.
I took what should of been the first step and upgraded firmware,it held up through the night which usually doesnt happen so I guess that did the trick