WSUS on Win2K8


Jun 10, 2004
For some reason I am erroring out on adding the WSUS role on a fresh install of Win2k8STD SP2. It will go through most of the prep stuff, gets passed the setup and connecting of the WSUS database, then it just gives me an error saying that something failed. I've read KB948014 and KB940518. The server is also fully updated. Any ideas?
What does it say failed? Did it give an error number at all?

Do you have IIS installed with ASP.NET? That's a big requirement. Other than that, there are a few other requirements, but I think they install automatically in WS2008 (.NET Framework, etc.).
Yep, I got all the prereqs for it, basically it goes through most of the installation then pops up the windows saying something ot the effect of that part of the installer package has failed, please contact software vendor/tech support. It doesn't give a number, though and in the logs I see this Error 0x80070643 but I couldn't find a situation where my error fits

Oddly enough it couldn't find my sql server during the install either, but I'm using it's internal database, so that would be moot..
Did you look to see what components did get installed during setup? If so remove those and try again.

If adding the role doesn't work isn't there a separate installer package for it? I ran into some problems adding the role on 2008 but I can say that I didn't fully patch the server before installing it. It was more after the fact I did so. I do this sometimes because I've run into installs before that break after a Windows update. I'd rather get something going and have a patch fail than having the patch and no go on the software.

.Net Framework does install I think automatically, but I'm not sure if the latest one does (ex: 3.5 sp1 or whatever).
Are you trying to add the WSUS role through the Server Management MMC? I had problems with that, too. So I just downloaded thee WSUS installed and it finally worked that way. Not sure what the deal was and I didn't want to spend time trying to figure out why it wasn't working through add role/feature wizard . . .
I tried it already using the WSUS 3.0 SP1 download. Still no luck. I'm going to try installing 2.0 then upgrading to 3 once I get back to the server.