WSUS woes and calamities


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 23, 2004
Two weeks ago I created a thread about issues with WSUS not updating itself or other clients. I hope this isn't a repeat of it because I just installed it on a different server and still not able to push out updates to clients. They report in, tell me the correct IP addresses, what's installed, and other fun facts.

However, if I try to manually update any Win7 or XP workstation, they tell me they are up to date. The latest updates date back from early August. If I check with the WSUS server, it tells me that said machines are missing some 30-60 updates (server 03, 08, XP, 7). Why do the workstations say that they are updated when they clearly aren't?
have you approved the updates on the wsus server for it to push out?
have you approved the updates on the wsus server for it to push out?

I manually approved one or two updates and they worked. However, though auto-update approved them and now have the install status, they still are not able to pick up on the change. How long does it normally take for this to happen? I ran the update on a Win7 machine and all I see are the ones I manually approved of.
I thought you had to manually approve and disapprove all updates?

although I haven't messed around with WSUS too terribly much.
Auto approve was disabled at first install, forgot about that. Re-enabled it and now to wait for the hours it will take to push it all.

Easy fix = me happy.
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This is why I have to only check WSUS about twice a month because it auto approves all of the critical and security patches.

For what it's worth might want to check your group Policies too and see if there is anything you might have over looked.

Nope, it was auto-approve.