WTB: ATI 7970 or R9 280x


Limp Gawd
Nov 14, 2007
I am looking to buy a 7970 or R9 280x, I have money ready to go in paypal feel free to pm me.

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I have a brand new Sapphire 280x toxic for sale, asking $420 shipped, but lowest I could go is $400. ik its out of your range but just throwing it out there.
your best bet is on ebay, no offense to anyone, but people here are still trying to price gouge the shit out of each other when they have been going for 280-300 on ebay for a week or so.
Thanks for the tip, I have been looking there as well. I just would rather buy from this community than there.
I didn't say I was going to pay their prices, if I can't get a card at a reasonable price I will buy on ebay.
Even if this community is trying to gouge the shit out of you?

that was one dude... Be patient OP, they're about to pop up all over the place. mining just isn't such easy money right this second. A very worthwhile investment but you're not getting ROI in a week like what caused these prices to go nuts. ROI is around 30 days right now if you don't pay inflated prices. I am gonna go through my rigs and upgrade all of the older stuff to 290's once the prices finish getting fixed
Thanks for the the advice. Part of the problem with that though is I need a new card for my computer and I was trying to kill to birds with one stone. But these prices are insane. Anyways bump.