WTB: Complete Computer.. recent


Nov 23, 2007
Friend is looking to purchase a complete computer set up for gaming... ie, processor, case, gpu, psu, everything.

Said that I was on a forum where people take care of their stuff and that I'd look here for him.

So I'm looking for the best deal I can for recent systems, more high-end, quadcore hyperthreading etc.

So most likely sandy/ivy bridge, 2600/2700k or 3770k processors, the works.

Shoot me PMs with complete specs and price shipped to roughly NYC.

Heatware under the same username.

Thanks in advance!
Hey idev, any interest in an mitx system? 2600k/gtx 670 type system but can't expand further obviously since its a smaller style system... I'll list out specs if interested
@Klrgoten - sorry he's wanting a big build that he can upgrade and expand upon if necessary. Thanks tho!
