WTB: CPU/MOBO/RAM Combo, GPU, PSU and more

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Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 12, 2002
Before I spend money elsewhere I wanted to see if I can spend it here on [H]ardForum.

Looking to do an gaming build and need the following

Intel based combo (cpu, mobo and ram)- prefer an I7 (7700K would be the oldest I would be willing to buy) but will consider an I5 as well, mobo that supports overclocking and at least 16 GB DDR4 Ram.

RTX 3060/3070 Type of Video Card

Could use an PSU as well- need something name brand stable and enough to power an RTX 3060/70 with the I7 CPU.

I am good on storage unless you have something to sweeten things up with I might consider it.

I need an HSF as well- if anyone has an 240/280 or 360mm aio otherwise I will just grab an Thermalright HSF of amazon.

Case I assume will prob be best to purchase new due to shipping costs.

Would be awesome to have the parts by this weekend- shipping is to NY 13760.

Would consider a full system as well if price is right.

Will pay via PP - HEAT https://www.heatware.com/u/20134/to

Ideally someone near a Microcenter as they always have good combo deals on mobo/cpu - that would be the best :)
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