WTB: Good AGP card, X800 or 6800 series

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Fully [H]
Jan 20, 2004
I'm looking for a good AGP video card, either an X800 series or a 6800 series(preferably 16/6 or unlockable), 256MB preferred. Looking to pay around $80 shipped, may go higher depending on the card. I'm in Canada but I'm talking prices in USD. Send offers via PM.

Edit: Due to offers not panning out, this thread will continue until I recieve an offer that I decide to take. I would still like to get a card ASAP, so don't wait to send an offer.

Also looking for an SB Audigy series card, or any inexpensive 5.1 sound card with good sound that has drivers with speaker positioning. As above, send PM if you've got one for sale.
Bump, there's got to be some more people with a card they want to get rid of, any offers are welcome.
More bumpage. Will be making my pick around the 31st, so get in your offers soon.
Bump, all offers are welcome. The worst that can happen is I'll say no :).
Geforce MX440, works great, runs very fast, I will let it go for $30.

Haha j/k, but up, someone get this man his card!
Another day until I make my purchase. Last chance to make an offer. Will be buying a card Thursday afternoon.
That's almost double my budget, sorry dude :). For everyone else, please send your offers via PM. That way I don't have to needlessly bump the thread and provoke the wrath of the mods :).
Hey i have the same card for sale also but im only asking 130shipped to cannada im in california

This would be my first time selling anything online. My mother would do most of the work and prepairing everything you know how mothers are. The reason im selling it is because my birthday is on the 9th and my parents arent that rich so im only getting 200 and if i sold it i would be able to preplace my Msik8tneo2-fir and go from agp to pci i recently bought a x2 3800 and i think my graphics card and motherboard are hold back potenial. I would be very greatfull if this all worked out it would end up a very good birthday
Thank you for your time

i recently upgraded from a bfg 6800 NU OC 128mb AGP, so if you want it, its youres.

i know i was able to unlock one of the unlockable things but i forget which one. I think it was the vertex shaders. never overclocked, and it includes the driver cd. BUT, mine never came with farcry like it was supposed to. pm me if interested
Looking for 256MB cards, but if I change my mind, I'll let you know.
Save up $40 more and score an X850 Pro AGP from ATi.

I bought one 3 weeks ago and although the first had display corruption in the BIOS ATi replaced it.

They (both) were the unlockable-to-16-pipes version and I've got mine non-overclocked but running 16 pipes


EDIT: ATi is no longer carrying these. Sorry!
I probably would have gotten one of those if they were still around, unfortunately they aren't. Hence this thread :).
Bump. When I send you a PM, please reply ASAP, because not only are you inconveniencing me, you're inconveniencing the other people I'm in contact with who are waiting for replies.
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