wtb: HP Pre 2 or Veer


Limp Gawd
Aug 31, 2005
Well in the craze of all this touchpad stuff, I was hoping to nab up a 49.99 2nd gen webOS phone. Missed out and was wondering if any [h] users who haven't posted them up on ebay.
Unfortunately, it's not coming to the US so I'm SOL on that deal. I'll be stuck trying to hunt down a Pre 2 or not having any 3g connectivity on a Pre 3.

edit: I read up more and found out it it might have limited 3g connectivity. Still not good enough though.

edit 2: If any UK or French members want, I'll take one Pre 3 actually. My girlfriend has a broken dumb phone still and she is in dire need of an update. Even something with limited 3g would do. I'm only relying on your good will, not going to pay any premium markups. I'll take care of any shipping costs.
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