WTB: Mac Mini - T7x00 - 667 SoDimms

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Aug 29, 2005
Looking for a Mac Mini. Must be Intel based. Core solo is perfect

PM me what you have and a price shipped to 43055.
Not over $400 shipped Seriously!

Anywho, LMK thanks

Bump if you look or pm plz.
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Be careful with the ram, pretty sure you need one that came with a Core 2 Duo to support more then 2 gigs of ram.
Be careful with the ram, pretty sure you need one that came with a Core 2 Duo to support more then 2 gigs of ram.

I am not seeing anything about that. Were did you read this so I can make sure before I buy some.
Thanks and bump!

Edit: Now I have found it. Thanks for the heads up!

Yep. In Apple world this is what it boils down to:
CD mini: 2 GB max (chipset max would be 3 GB but firmware limits you to 2 GB)
C2D mini: 3 GB max (chipset limit; you can install 2 x 2 GB and Sys Profiler will recognize both DIMMs, but you can't address the last GB)

Since there has been no mini with a Crestline chipset 4 GB cannot be used on a mini.
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