Wtb: Nikon D50

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Oct 16, 2004
As title says let me know what you have. I have a Digital Rebel with a couple of lenses I could trade for it. Thanks.
Just bought one off ebay last week with the 18-55mm lens and a 1GB Sandisk ultra SD Card.Outstanding camera.This is my first DSLR and I haven't tried any others so I can't personally compare it to any other DSLR,but I'm extremely happy with it.It's solid,has a great feel to it and is super fast compared to the SLR like point & shoots I have.I bought a new all purpose lens for it too,should be getting that in a couple days...


Anyways,good luck you will not be disappointed!

Out of curiousity how did you like the Rebel and what size lenses does it have?

The Rebel is my first DSLR as well. I love it, however I'm looking to try out a Nikon. I have two lenses with it, a 28-300mm Sigma Telephoto lens and the 18-55mm kit lens. DSLR is a totally different dimension as I'm sure you can atest to. Thanks for the bump.
Yeah I almost bought a Rebel but I just came across a decent deal for the D50.You know there is hacked firmware upgrades that open all the settings on the Rebel that were just disabled in software and not hardware so it would be like getting an Rebel XT with just 2MP's (which you wont miss by the way)fewer and alot cheaper.You might know that already,but I thought I'd mention it since that could help sell it.

For the Rebel,it basically opens up all the settings that Canon disabled in software to distinguish it from the 10D I believe.
cstafs said:
For the Rebel,it basically opens up all the settings that Canon disabled in software to distinguish it from the 10D I believe.

Correct. Thanks for the bumps guys.
Bump cause I just bought a D50 for work and I'm drooling to get one myself...

a certain mod has a d50 kit on sale here... body, nice lenses and accessories as well.
coolrunnings said:
Sweet! How much did you want for the rebel just out of curiousity?

Not looking to sell it at the moment.

Any link to the mod's thread?
illumina315 said:

a certain mod has a d50 kit on sale here... body, nice lenses and accessories as well.
Bump for you - and the mod is selling a D70
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