WTB : OnePlus One Invite - or - Phone

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Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 3, 2010
Title states it all.

Wife wants to get rid of her S5 so I am looking for the 1+1. 16GB or 64GB it does not matter.

  • Not looking to pay retail price for the phone. (unless it's NIB then I don't mind)
  • Not looking to pay anything over $5 for the invite. It was free to begin with.
  • Not looking to pay extra for your cases/screen protections or the shipping you paid for the phone.

I have some extra PC parts laying around I don't mind trading for the invite as well, it's nothing high dollar and you'd need to cover the shipping fees. (2.5 HDD's, Gaming Keyboards, Logitech G500 Mouse and some more stuff I no longer use..) Someone willing to give me a free invite would be very nice as well :D

LMK if you have one, I have cash ready to be in your possession.
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I might have one for sale next month. I gave it to one of my friends to borrow for a few months as she was going to go for internship in mexico and needed an unlocked phone, she comes back next month. She game me her S5, If she brings it back in one piece I will hit you guys up if you are still looking. Or I told her I am keeping her S5 and selling it. lol. Good luck in your search guys.
Next round of preoders is on Nov 17th. If you don't find one before then, make sure to get your order in then :)

the 1+1 is fantastic btw, definitely recommend!
So you're looking for a OnePlus One Sandstone Black 64 GB New in box for $350 + shipping?
I have a friend that just got one but went with a sony Z3. Let me see if they still want to sell it.
Yes. I'm willing to pay retail $299,$349) as long as its nib. I'm not paying anything over that.

Thanks guys, If nothing by the next pre order I'll make sure I'll jump on it!
sorry, his was sold... it shouldnt be too long a wait now that it's out of invite only... good phone... wish it had qi wireless charging, but i wish everything had that now...
good luck with your hunt for that good phone
I found one locally for $350 and is currently in use now by my wife. I'm on the hunt for one and ditching the S5.

The phone is amazing..
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