WTB...PC Power Cord

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Oct 11, 2007
Not really sure where go go to obtain once...so ill just see here first.
Looking for a cord for a computer...One went bad on me which leaves me neices computer useless.

It needs to be a rather long one...5 feet or so.

Yeah, thread closed. Eh, can't say it wassen't worth making a fool out of myself!
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Almost anywhere, yes anywhere, will have one of these. That are more then ubiquitous for many household items. Heck, I think i have a drawer full of them...

REALLY not the type of thing you buy used on a forum...
Well its just i never ran into this problem. Haha...can you get them from a store? Walmart perhaps?
I have a high-end ATX power cable I'm not using at the moment. It's a cryogenically treated audiophile-grade power cable, so it's certain to keep your entire computer quiet. It also makes espresso. I'll sell it to you for the low, low price of $600 plus shipping.
OP, you should close this thread before it gets out of hand...
If you were local to me here in North Alabama, I would gladly give you 5 or 10 of them...seems I have about 20 at the moment...:D

This is one thing I will never run out of...:cool:
I think this is a fair request...Not all power cables are 5+ feet long. The standard ones seem to be more like 3 or so.
If you don't want to wait on Monoprice, Radio Shack or Best Buy should have these as well.
Is it me or 5 feet is somewhat long? All the PC power cords I have are around 2 - 3 feet max..
Is it me or 5 feet is somewhat long? All the PC power cords I have are around 2 - 3 feet max..

yep, more feet might mean more resistance, or require better shielding/quality materials = more $

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