WTB PSU/ DDR2/ Win7/ HDD ~300


Jul 25, 2006
Title says it, I think I'm finally ready. I've tried a couple of times but either didn't get the right deal or something came up and snatched what I had set aside for my upgrade. Heat 9-0-0 have verified and confirmed paypal account.
PSU around 600w good quality only.
DDR2 4gb pref higher clock but not req
Win7 64bit pref again not req
HDD a newer drive w/ the 32mb Buffer (this is required)
Looking for package/ bundle deals and a guarantee against DOA. Doesn't have to be a full everything that's listed, will take partials etc.

Have my VC/ CPU/ MB sitting on my desk next to me begging to be put into use.

ALSO LOOKING FOR CASE AROUND 100 DOLLARS w/ 20$ shipping. Lemmie know what u got. Can go mATX looking for something w/ a window.
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Bump budget just got bigger going to go for about a week on here then buy new.
I have a lot of what you are looking for here:


Two 500GB WD hard drives with 32MB cache each, 600W Silverstone Strider PSU with the optional short cable set, 2x2GB Crucial Ballistix DDR2-800 (4-4-4). I might be able to hook you up with an OS as well ;)
buying something this weekend used or new. Would really like to pick up used RAM for sure and wouldn't mind the rest of the stuff.