WTB: Sprint Phone (super cheap)...preferably one with LTE


Jul 11, 2002

I need to send my LG G6 in for service, which could take up to 2 weeks. I would love to get my hands on a phone before having to send this one in so I won't be without a phone for that long. I'm looking for something really cheap. It would be nice to have 4G LTE, but not a requirement. Just something to make and receive calls and texts would be fine as well.

Please post or PM with price shipped to 22153.

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i have two galaxy s6's for sprint. Both have some screen cracking or burn in issues but will hold you over fine for a couple of weeks. I'll loan you one for $10 + shipping to you and back to again if you're interested.
Thanks. That's a nice offer but I would ideally like to have a back up phone for emergencies as well, so would like to just buy one outright.
I have a new Galaxy S5 for Sprint (White unit). PM sent
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