WTF: iZ3D Open Source their driver for cash??????


Jun 3, 2004
A year ago I paid these yahoos $40 to use their driver on my HD3D setup.
They haven't updated their driver since October 23rd, 2010!!!!!
Now - they want another $150 from a bunch of idiots and if they receive $800,000 they will Open Source their code.

How about a giant FU!!!!!!!

This is the email I just received.

Hi, guys!
Sorry for the long silence and for not updating our driver.

Regrettably, iZ3D reached another crossroad on its life path, and we need to
find a new direction to survive. Based on internal discussion, it looks like
it is better for us to return to our initial “no glasses” solution (SmartON)
or choose one of the other “glasses-free” alternatives. We don’t want to
abandon our driver, especially considering the vast number of copies that we
already distributed. But, at the same time our shareholders disagree with
free code distribution. So, the company managers decided to find a
compromise between the two approaches. We are now planning to convert our
driver code to an Open Source Project. The “Open Source” driver software
will enable the user community to participate in keeping the driver code
updated and also to use the open source code for their own development of
novel applications. At this time we would like to propose to the user
community of iZ3D driver owners and 3D fans to pay additional money for the
conversion of the iZ3D driver code to an Open Source Project according to
the Open Source Conversion (OSC)” Program outlined below.

iZ3D OSC Program
Starting on April 9, 2012, iZ3D will accept payments of $150.00 US dollars
to convert the iZ3D driver code into an Open Source Project. Multiple
payments are accepted. Your $150 payment contributes to providing the user
community with access to iZ3D Universal Driver under GPL at the time the
iZ3D Driver Software is converted to Open Source status. As soon as the
total amount of payments will reach US $800,000, the entire iZ3D driver code
will be opened and placed on under GPL license.

However, in case iZ3D will not reach the above targeted amount, prior to
June 30, 2012, the company will decide one of two options:
1. Open the code even though $800,000 are not reached
2. Cancel Open Source Project and refund all received payments

Please visit our website, or click below to participate
This email address was given to us by you or by one of our customers. If you
feel that you have received this email in error, please send an email to
[email protected]
This e-mail is sent in accordance with the US CAN-SPAM Law in effect
01/01/2004. Removal requests can be sent to this address and will be honored
and respected.
What a SCAM!!
Because of their "shareholders"??? What kind of lame excuse is that for stopping development.
Wasn't 'there business 3D drivers in the first place??
Now they want to turn it over to open source (abandon it) and charge you $150 for the open source version???
Open source apps are usually FREE.
They want you to pay $150 so they can turn around and offer it free to everyone else. Classic!
That is fucking ridiculous.

Given that I have never even heard of this group, I find it hard to believe they are going to find the ~5300 people to "donate" $150 just to make the source code available.

This seems like a lawsuit in the making.
If you have an AMD setup for 3D gaming (the same as 3D Vision on nvidia), you have to "buy" drivers to play games in 3D. There are 2 competing companies (each of which did something a little better than the other for certain games) that offer these drivers and so most people are forced to buy both drivers.
If you have an AMD setup for 3D gaming (the same as 3D Vision on nvidia), you have to "buy" drivers to play games in 3D. There are 2 competing companies (each of which did something a little better than the other for certain games) that offer these drivers and so most people are forced to buy both drivers.

The tridef software came free with the samsung s27a950 so I presume it's the same for the other samsung monitors. But yes you will have to pay for this if you want this in addtion to tridef unless they "open source" it.
That is fucking ridiculous.

Given that I have never even heard of this group, I find it hard to believe they are going to find the ~5300 people to "donate" $150 just to make the source code available.

This seems like a lawsuit in the making.

I've heard great things about iz3d. Its actually far more customizable than 3d vision and tri-def. Its mostly just the support that doesn't come close since the company has been slowly dieing for a while now. Iz3d being open source would be great for 3d gaming. I just don't think that this is going to happen with $150 minimums. If they did something like kickstarter with lower minimums and give me my money back if it doesn't go through I would donate but I'm not about to shell out $150 as is.
I'm a huge 3D gamer, and have been using iz3D for years. We all knew they were on the verge of going out of business, so this is actually great news. Now at least if they go open-source this project won't be abandoned and lost forever. I am a programmer, and will probably volunteer to work on the driver if this happens.

However, $800K is a lot of money for a niche market like this. And $150 is a lot to ask most people. Granted, I personally would give this amount no problem. But people should be able to contribute $50 if that's all they can afford. And even then, I doubt they will reach the $800K goal. But maybe they will get enough that it's still worth it to them. We shall see.
Ridiculous. Sounds like they want free money for not working on their products (last update in 2010, seriously?).
AMD should just buy the ip to the software and/or the company in my opinion. then they can market it as their own.
Yeah, its interesting that AMD hasn't made an offer (or maybe they did, who knows?).
AMD probably did give them an offer -- for less than $800,000.

wouldn't surprise me.. if AMD really did, then i hope these guys go bankrupt for being dumb enough not to take the offer. 800k for their crappy 3D software, maybe in 2010 it was worth 800k, sure as hell isn't worth that now.