wtt 5870

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Mar 11, 2010
im looking to trade my 5870 for a,gtx260 or 4870 1 gig + cash. I just dont need this much power anymore. It is a xfx reference model with voltage control and has been registered i will transfrer the lifetime warranty over.I will gladly give out my phone number and info if we trade :D
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im only looking for around 160 dollars no matter which card you have so your saving around 40 to 50 by trading it with me :D. Or i will just sell the card out right for 320 shipped
what about an evga gtx 280 sc? I also have a heat killer water block for it.
Bump for a good deal. I had a 4890 I would have done this with to get my hands on a second 5870 had I not sold it locally.
I have a sapphire toxic 4890 that's factory overclocked with insane cooling. It was pretty expensive. I have the boxes, cables and everything that came with it. How much would you want with it?

I am very, very serious about this!
yes im just testing the offers unless i get a 285 a 140 bucks im not turning him down. although disco if you take that offer then i would have to accept that
he wont have the money for a few days so unless i get a hell of a offer then its his
@ mr34727
i like you already and i never talked to you before lol :p I think this thread is about to be closed as i have a pending deal and i dont think i can pass it up
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