WTT: A better Videocard

For most video editing the card isn't going to make much difference btw. CPU+RAM on the other hand have a big impact from what I've seen. Bump for ya anyways though. :p
actually for the job I'm doing, It requires a highend one like Geforce 5800 or 5900, or ATI 9700 or 9800.. ..
Originally posted by Puffy
actually for the job I'm doing, It requires a highend one like Geforce 5800 or 5900, or ATI 9700 or 9800.. ..

I've got a 5800 ultra, if you're looking to pay $200. No trades though, I'm looking to pick up a single slot 5900 or 9800..
dono how much of a tweaker you are, or computer savvy(sp?) you are either ....but HP's,Dell's, and most proprietary comps have alot of there own crap running in the background and if you havent already, shut those services down and it might help video editing performance for you...

I dont know about 2003 server ...whether or not it has msconfig tool like 98,Me, and XP does ..if it doesnt ..i know you can take the msconfig out of an XP machine and put in a 2k setup and then have that feature...also http://www.blkviper.com has good info on turning off needless services in both xp and 2k ...but not sure about 2003 server tho ..

anyhoot ..good luck on a vidcard upgrade....:)
Originally Posted by WalteRr :
I've got a 5800 ultra, if you're looking to pay $200. No trades though, I'm looking to pick up a single slot 5900 or 9800..

Sorry, I dont have that much money been a poor students tryin to find a job... so Im thinking about my card+ some money...

And ThreeDee, I need the video card for the Box I build to do my work.. since it required really highly detailed graphic rendering. so I need a really really good one..

anyhoo bumps