WTT PS3 for Intel Q6600 + Cash

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Jan 12, 2007
Basically as the title says. I am looking to trade my PS3 60GB for a Q6600 + $150 cash obo

If you have 2GB of decent to high quality DDR2 800 RAM that you could add with the Q6600, we could possibly work out a straight trade off depending upon the RAMs quality that is.

Or you can just buy the system for $410 in cash. I am PayPal Verified, I expect you to be also.

Also willing to do business in person with anyone in or near the Tri-State area, I live in South NJ.

Please have some form of reliable feedback and verified PayPal if your paying in cash.


Ebay: animelover84 http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=animelover84&ftab=AllFeedback&sspagename=STRK:ME:UFS

Trust Who Verification: http://www.trustwho.com/[email protected]

No Heatware setup ATM, but I will gladly create an account for that service to leave and receive feedback once the deal is done. For those who aren't aware of what Trust Who Verification is, it is a service that is currently used more in the Virtual Online Goods market.

If you have any questions feel free to ask. I will take some pictures to post up later.

Thanks for looking!

- Fred

SOLD to kao85
I'm expecting my Q6600 retail by this wednesday, maybe we can work somthing out.

I'm expecting my Q6600 retail by this wednesday, maybe we can work somthing out.


I did receive your PM and have replied. Sorry for writing you a book but I didn't want to be short on the information I provided to you in response to me shipping first and having no heatware. As I mentioned in the reply, I am going to post the details of the reply on Trust Who Verification to further give any possible buyers here an idea on how that process works.

Originally Posted by Kwincy
I'm expecting my Q6600 this wednesday or thursday, what can we work out? Have any heat? If not, are you willing to ship first?


Good evening Kwincy,

I do not have a heatware account setup at this time, but I intend to get one setup to receive and to return feedback for this transaction. Basically since I have not conducted much selling / buying outside of Ebay and Playerauctions (for Online Virtual goods) I only have my Ebay account and my Trust Who Verification posted in this thread.

I am aware that Trust Who Verification is still most popular in the Virtual Goods Market and not so much in the physical items market (sorry if I sound way too technical)

But please check out my Trust Who Verified link, they basically verify all my information, from phone numbers to IP addresses to geographic location (and make sure the IP Addresses match). Also they match up this information with my Verified Paypal Account. I paid $7.50 to go through their process, which was a 5 - 10 minute phone call of them asking me many personal questions including none personal ones such as key locations and monuments closest to my house to further verify I am who I say I am.

Basically, if anyone was to commit fraud using their Trust Who account as a reference, they would be easily tracked down and persecuted. Basically I like to think of it, as piece of mind for those who would buy or sell to me, that I won't stick it to them at any point in the transaction.

Either way, I am not against shipping first, if no other deals come through, there is one gentlemen offering to pay $380 for the system but I have until my check hits on Wednesday to decide how I am going about this (for my system upgrade). Ideally I am looking for either $410 or a Q6600 processor with close to $150 in cash (so that I may not break the bank this pay period while doing this upgrade.)

If you have any further questions feel free to ask. I hope you don't mind but I am probably going to post this reply in my thread since it further clarifies how Trust Who Verification works.

Thank for your time,
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