WTT : Verizon Galaxy S5 for Sprint or Unlocked

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Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 9, 2002
Like the title suggests, I'd like to trade an S5 for a Sprint Model or Unlocked. Anything that will work on sprint. I suppose if it's unlocked, I'd throw in an extended battery pack with back and case, to try and make it worth your time. There is a ding or two on the sides of the phone.

My GF has one on Sprint with cracked glass, thought I'd give this a shot, and try to trade my closet dwelling Verizon one for a Sprint and give it to her. I'd buy her something else, but she's kind of anti gadget and cheap, this shouldn't upset her sensibilities! :D
Yea tex, i have an old sprint s5, but i gotta look for it first (buried under a ton of moving boxes). Ill let you know. (MIL looking to upgrade her s4, so this might be useful)
^^^ That would actually work out nice. Could be considered a relatively small upgrade, but when I was using the s5 on Verizon only a couple months ago, they were still updating it. I had an S4 and they had stopped awhile ago, I had to download special texting app and character set just to get some of the emojis updated s5's were sending. Side effect, my usual ones became butt ass ugly as well. Sometimes, especially with old folks, it's the small stuff!

LMK, thanks!
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