WTTF/WTB: 2TB or larger HDDs, 5850 or higher, bluray reader, anything interesting....

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Extremely [H]
Jan 2, 2001
I need some stuff. I have some stuff for trade (or sale).

(Willing to add some cash or even outright buy in some cases, but would prefer to trade for as much as possible.) When figuring shipping I live in zip 94501. Willing to meet locals to save shipping costs/hassle.

My stuff for trade HERE.

While I'm always on the lookout for anything interesting (I have the mod/build bug bad), my specific wants are as follows:

  • SATA Hard drives. Need to be at least 2TB, bigger the better. They are for an unRAID server, so speed/performance is not a concern. In other words I probably won't want to pay a premium for performance drives like WD Black. When offering drives for trade please include details like model# and warranty info

  • Radeon 5850 or higher. Currently rocking a 7800gt, I can trade that if you want it:p

  • Bluray reader (don't need to write). Please include model#

  • Anything else you think I'd find interesting-

keep the offers coming, would really like a 2TB (or higher) drive
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