WWDC '09 Discussion Thread

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Cool, is there a blog update or streaming video of the event?

*EDIT* Thanks vage!
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love 'em:

The staff shirts are orange this year. I like it. Very road worker-ish.

Got my coffee in hand and am sitting behind my Vista PC notebook, ready to go. Bring it on!

So what are you guys looking forward to this year? iPhone 3GS (3.5G, whatever) here, taking a couple days off in July to wait in line for it :p
I would think the "iPhone Video" (or whatever the name) needs video chat or some other big, video-centric feature besides the simple addition of video recording, else hyping it enforces the "Reality Distortion Field" criticism.

"iPhone, now able to do what phones have done for years!"

The totality of iPhone features will make it worthwhile, but sometimes the convincing Apple must do to its consumers makes me cringe, especially at these media events.

I also wish they would stop calling $199/$299 the "price points". Most people who will get the new iPhone will be existing users, so just say $499/$599 (or whatever).
I have an iPhone 3G that I'm very happy with, but can always use a new gen one. :) I'm most looking forward to Snow Leopard details and am hoping for new laptop announcements as the screen is falling off my 6 year old G4.
I do miss the "old days" when you could call up AT&T and they would give you the online, new subscriber price if you offered to let them extend your contract for 2 additional years...
Score, new macbook pro. Just what I wanted!

Edit: Give me a higher resolution screen and I'm on the way to the store
MAN< I rely don't need the size of a 15" but the features are pretty good (albeit standard on PC laptops).
I'm pretty impressed with my friends 13" MacBook that he picked up for $999, can play COD4 at good setting. This one is down right tempting.

13" MacBook Pro starting at $1119.
Sooooo glad I waited and didn't buy the 13" Macbook when it was $1300. Now I get more crap, faster processor, cheaper price. Anyone think the free ipod touch will be offered with it?
fuggggggggg I just got this MBP 2 months ago!!!

MAN! I'm very much beyond pissed
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The audience seems to be too.

ha ha, I just heard from my friend, he bought a new Macbook on the weekend.
Lowering the prices on the laptops is always good. But it's still too high. Shave another $300 off each and then we'll talk.

Also interesting that they love to show off synthetic benchmarks for the browser showing it's all kinds of faster. But in real world tests it's still one of the slowest. Chrome is clearly in the lead in real world tests.
Yeah, I hate safari 4. But 3 isn't bad.
Well, looks like my 6 month old macbook is going on ebay today. Damn it.
yea that sucks, my new macbook pro I bought last week off ebay is now outdated.... that sucks
The audience seems to be too.

ha ha, I just heard from my friend, he bought a new Macbook on the weekend.

He's not alone. I have a MBP being delivered tomorrow that has already gone from "a decent deal" to "paid more than retail." I feel bad for the people who got 15" MBP's recently though. Those seem to have changed a bit with the card slot and all.
Are some pictures from"Lam" not loading for you guys either from Gizmodo?

Who cares about exchange, got to the iPods!

I'm still kind laughing at the Macbook Pro news, I'm one of those single digit percentage folks that uses the expresscard slot.

*EDIT* SNAP that is a good price, how much for full version?
Holy shit, $29 to upgrade from Leopard to Snow leopard? Nice

RangerXML, I also get an occasional few that dont open.
if you just bought a macbook, they typically offer exchanges (within a month or so) for situations just like this one.
Holy shit, $29 to upgrade from Leopard to Snow leopard? Nice

RangerXML, I also get an occasional few that dont open.

I have to say... I have to say it. They're charging $29 for something they could do for free (like 10.5.7). 64 bit support (and Quicktime X if it's exclusive to SL) is the only big thing and I doubt it will make much difference in day to day things (but photo/video thumbs up)
yea, this should be a free upgrade too.. thats why i agree with microsft's update plan
I'm not going to be arguing the point here, just pointing out my core believe that 7 should of been free upgrade to Vista, but I wouldn't of mind $29 bucks either.

*EDIT* Watching all the video streaming stuff I hope they get NetFlicks streaming for the iPhone.
I have to say... I have to say it. They're charging $29 for something they could do for free (like 10.5.7). 64 bit support (and Quicktime X if it's exclusive to SL) is the only big thing and I doubt it will make much difference in day to day things (but photo/video thumbs up)

Not going to disagree with you. I believe it too. But one has to admit that $100 less than typical is a step in a better direction.
I'm still so mad I recently bought a macbook pro... damnit damnit damnit

should've known better. Always wait for WWDC if you are thinking of purchasing around that time frame. They always update stuff then.
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