www.hardocp.com issues?


Limp Gawd
Jan 31, 2004
Well, I'm trying to surf to www.hardocp.com using Mozilla Firefox 0.9.3, I've had no issues in the past, and have changed no configuration options.

Unfortunately, I'm getting an error message: Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

I'm not being redirected, I'm trying to go directly to the URL. So what gives? :confused:
yea past 2 days i cant goto hardocp.com on and of my comps for some reason IE just sits there liek its loading the page but does nothing
Yes we are having some hardware issues that we are working on currently. Hopefully will be solved by 1pm CST Wed.
1) upgrade your firefox...
2) they prob got hax0red...
jabronidan said:
That's what I love about [H]. Kyle could've said, "we will have it fixed shortly" but no, he gives an exact time, a deadline even, lol. [H] Should be a shipping company. :D

I bet Kyle wouldn't leave a Dell 2005fpw on my desktop without a sig! :)
mutazx said:
I bet Kyle wouldn't leave a Dell 2005fpw on my desktop without a sig! :)

Well, If someone left a 2005fps on my desktop without a sig, There is only one thing I would do. :D .

I mean I would open the box and hook it up to my pc ofcourse, what did you think, that I would do something WRONG? :D
Marklar said:

/me wants to see the kyle sux shirt


and it worked for me a lil bit today arround 4. But no other time.

And arent' the forums on the same webserver box?
TekieB said:

and it worked for me a lil bit today arround 4. But no other time.

And arent' the forums on the same webserver box?

I think the forums have their own lil slice of the Planet's rackspace
mutazx said:
I think the forums have their own lil slice of the Planet's rackspace

The forum has its own database server. It shares 3 dually opteron webservers with OCP. THe problems at OCP are database hardware related.
kind of on/off topic, delete if you want to..

hows the new design coming along? iirc there was a thread here with some ideas for it, do you know when that will be finished?

ocp worked for me earlier today, but not now. keep up the good work :)
mpcamer1220 said:
kind of on/off topic, delete if you want to..

hows the new design coming along? iirc there was a thread here with some ideas for it, do you know when that will be finished?

ocp worked for me earlier today, but not now. keep up the good work :)

New design was completed about 3 months ago.
really? i thought thats what it looked like before.. oh well hope you guys get it back up :cool:
but this article -FTC Kills X-Rated Spam: is on there 3 times lol

thanks for gettin it back up