x-fi modding (with pics)


Jan 6, 2005
hello all.

inspired by a thread posted by audioguy i started to mod my x-fi xtreme music.

i started replacing the op-amp with a lm 4562 from national semiconductor.

here is the stock card with the new op-amps for reference

with a little help from this 2,5 magnifying glass and my trusty soldering station...

i was able to solder the new op amp in place.

this happened already a week ago but the original thread got deleted.

this week the replacement power filter capacitor arrived.

here is a shot with the original cap in place

i desoldered it which was big pita since the pcb works like a heatsink :(
but i managed to get it out, here is a shot with the new one....

new one in place:

card installed in it's home ;)

i only replaced the front channel op.amp since i'm only useing stereo.

the biggest improvemt was the op.amp change. the overall sound of the card is now way more appealing with a little gain in detail. most of the harsh highs i heard before are gone now. i could even listen louder now without thinking that the sounds gets obstrusive like before.

the power filter cap mod doesn't show that significant changes, there is a slightly better punch with bass reproduction.
i'm not shure if replaceing the power cap is a good idea at all, because since i did it my card needs to warm up to show it's full potential.
it takes 2 or three song until the full punch is there. but then it simply rocks !!

i tried the ers paper mod aswell with some anti static bag, but i wasn't able to hear a change in sound at all so i ditched the bag.

overall i could recommend this mod to any audiphile with some soldering skills.
listening with it makes much more fun now.

take care.....
But...does it void the warranty? :)

it shure does, i thought this forum is all about voiding warranty's ;)
i customized that many parts right after i bought them that i don't think about warranty anymore.