X-fi Platinum $128.99 after MIR @ the Egg


Limp Gawd
Aug 8, 2005
Newegg has the X-fi Platinum for a smoking price of $178.99 - $50MIR.

Newegg Link

Basically you can get the Platinum for a couple bucks more than the Extreme Music version.
Card has too many issues with NF4, no thanks. Good deal though if you dont have an NF4.
I own 2 of these and both are installed on NF4 boards without issues. Good Price!!!
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I picked up the Xtreme Music for 70 AR at circuit city a few weeks ago, works fine with my NF4 board.
skudmunky said:
I picked up the Xtreme Music for 70 AR at circuit city a few weeks ago, works fine with my NF4 board.

copy that. I think the NF4 issues were resolved sometime ago..at any rate, I've used mine with both an EVGA and Asus NF4 boards without any of the issues people were reporting sometime ago