X-Fi Settings go back to default every mode change or system restart


Limp Gawd
Nov 2, 2007
I recently got a Creative X-Fi XtremeMusic, installed the drivers from the CD, and applied the 10/06 patch (I'm on XP 32-bit). Everything is working fine, with the only "abnormal" incident being hearing persistent static, created after changing the mode while my media player was still running (another mode change made it disappear).

The problem I have is that the volume, bass, treble, line-in, mic, etc. settings keep reverting back to default every time I change the mode or restart my computer. Sometimes it's just the volume setting (it seems to like 45% a lot), but a system restart pretty much guarantees everything reverts back to default.

I doubt I'm the only one to encounter this, and made a few searches before posting a new thread, but couldn't find anything. Has anyone else encountered this issue? If so, what did you do to fix it? Is there some hidden setting that I don't know about somewhere?

I have not had this issue.

I do have the problem with my microphone line's 20dB boost keep turning off. I figure it might be one of my applications turning it of, but yet to have found the culprit.
I might be having this problem with the new drivers. I'll know for sure next time I reboot, but it seems my settings aren't being saved, I've had to turn on the crystalizer again the past 2 reboots. Well it would have been foolish to have expected creative drivers that work right.
Yeah, it's not saving them. It seems like some saves, it knows what mode it was in last at least, but it keeps defaulting back to 2.1 speakers, turns crystalizer off, and puts my EQ back to flat after a reboot.
I returned the sound card :(. I could sort of tolerate the settings not being saved, but the driver/software seemed to be mucking up my system. The longer my computer stayed up, it seemed, the more laggy everything got. Opening the Start menu or windows would cause the computer to hang for an unusual amount of time (or hanging at all, for that matter), and the computer wouldn't shut down properly without Explorer crashing. After uninstalling the driver/software and removing the sound card, everything's smooth like butter, just like before.

Guess I now have more of an idea why I see so much Creative driver angst here :p.

bitgod, what OS are you running? Have you tried seeing if the old drivers cause the same issues in your case?
Wow, that is odd.

Sorry to see you have so many issues with it.

I have been fortunate to not have any trouble with my X-Fi from day one. Absolutely love it.
I don't recall having the problem with .002. I'm using Vista 64. It seems like all the new games I have are better run in XP anyway, so this is only a semi-issue for me, heh. The XP drivers are working right. I deleted everything Creative in Vista, then booted into safe mode and used drive cleaner before installing .004