x-flow and standard radiators


Limp Gawd
Jul 17, 2005
i have a few questions about the single pass x flow and 2-pass radiators, my situation is that, im planning on using one blackice x-flow radiator mounted vertically and another 2-pass mounted horizontally, my question is that, (for the 2 pass radiator) which fitting (left or right) would let the water start running on side facing you and end on the opposing side, assuming that the fittings are on the top, pointing at you. im asking this because i dont want the pump to work extra by pumping the water upwards

and also would this work?

Dont matter which way you pump water through a radiator, it'll work the same either way.

As far as pumping water "up"... that same water has to come back down, negating any losses from pumping it up. What realy makes the difference is how long your tubing run is and how it is routed.

The shortest loop with the least restriction will offer the best performance
I can't really figure out what you're asking but you needn't worry about the "extra work" your pump may perform pushing water "up" because you are running a closed loop, so somewhere in the circuit it gets a gravity boost "coming back down".

I'm not sure you need two rads anyway, but hey, it's worth a try I suppose.
hm i get wut u guys are saying, but im trying to make this work as efficiently as possible from what i understand the 2 pass radiators work in a "u" shape, (( fan-> |U| ~exhasted air~ )) or am i wrong on this?

edit: o and sorry, i wasnt clear i ment the water pumping upwards only inside the 2 pass radiator (sitting horizontally with the fittings pointing down) and not the whole loop :p
It doesn't matter that it's pumping up - it will come down.

Anyway, to answer your question, a two-pass works like so:

(o = fitting, - = flow)


so whichever barb is higher will be to the higher area in the radiator.
xdkimx said:
hm i get wut u guys are saying, but im trying to make this work as efficiently as possible from what i understand the 2 pass radiators work in a "u" shape, (( fan-> |U| ~exhasted air~ )) or am i wrong on this?
A dual pass rad works like so:
Water in one barb>through (typically down) half the core>back up the other half> out the second barb.
The barbs are on the same end of the core.
The fan doesn't enter into the equation.
A single pass goes:
Water in one barb>through the entire core>out the other barb...that's why the barbs are on opposite ends of the matrix.
this isnt how 2 pass rads work? im just getting started with this watercooling thing so i have more to learn, maybe u can clear things up for me :p
You are way overcomplicating this.
For your purposes all you need to know is that the water goes in one barb and comes out the other.
i really do appreciate u trying to help, but it was a simple questions really, left or right brace? i dont c how much more simpler a question can get lol and if it doesnt matter i just wanted to know why, o well it seems u guys dont really know either so i guess ill just figure out myself by trying both ways
xdkimx said:
i really do appreciate u trying to help, but it was a simple questions really, left or right brace? i dont c how much more simpler a question can get lol
The problem is that your question makes no sense as it's phrased.
"Left or right brace"?
That isn't how a dual pass radiator works. The liquid moves around in a U path from one barb to the other along one plane. It goes something like this:


Basicly, if you had the Radiator laying flat on a table, the water would move paralell to the table throgh the radiator.

I think that you think that the water moves verticly through the radiator,

which just isn't the case.

<off topic>
fear my 1337 MS Paint skills
</off topic>
The water in a rad laying flat like in your pic won't flow from top to bottom it will flow in from one fitting down to the end opposite the fittings across that end and back to the fittings.

Looking at the rad from the top it's like this;

O>>>> \/ |
| | >>>>\/ |
\ | >>>>\/ |
/ | <<<<\/ |
| | <<<<\/ |
O<<<< \/ |

The water enters the top fitting (O) and flows from that tank through the tubes indicated by the >> in the direction indicated, after hitting the end of the rad it flows across the end in the direction indicated by \/ and from there towards to other tank in the tubes indicated by << in the direction indicated and flows out the other fitting indicated again by O.

I hope this helps clear up the confusion because in a rad laying flat it's flowing from side to side not top to bottom.

<EDIT> I started this before Punx whipped up his nicer diagram so after spending 10 minutes tweaking the diagram I'm not deleting it but we're both saying the same thing </EDIT>
Punx_Clever said:
Dont matter which way you pump water through a radiator, it'll work the same either way.
Can't get any more clear than that. Again, IT DOESNT MATTER one bit.
thank u guys for clearing things up, i really didnt have much intent to fight posting this thread, but it seems some just cant help themselves lol