X-Mystique Stuttering w/ASIO4ALL


Limp Gawd
Mar 16, 2005
Well, since the drivers don't yet support ASIO, I have to use ASIO4ALL and winamp.
I've tried foobar2000 and kernel streaming and it doesn't lag, but I want to know why ASIO4ALL and winamp lag. I've updated to the newest one... 5.112, newest ASIO4ALL, and all that jazz.

My settings:
Latency Comp: 16/16 in/out
Kernel Buffers: 3
ASIO Buffer Size: 256 Samples

In the ASIO output winamp settings:
Thread priority: Time critical
Buffer size: 7
Convert 1channel to 2channels

It doesn't stutter often, but it does in the strangest situations:
When typing this post, it stuttered twice. Sometimes this happens when switching active windows. Usually when it begins to play, it also stutters a little bit. I've also noticed CPU Usage spike in task manager, but not to 60+%.

Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
Whenever I even attempt to access ASIO4ALL on my HDA Mystique I just get a blue screen :( . I have to use kernel streaming with Foobar. But have you tried increasing the buffer? I remember one time when I set my buffer too low on my A2ZS it would stutter, not sure if this would help. Also as a side note kernel streaming is basically the same as ASIO, so if it doesn't work just get the kernel streaming plugin for winamp. Hope this helps a little.
Ooh there's a kernel streaming plugin for Winamp? I was told that was ASIO4ALL & ASIO. Thanks, I'll go look for it!

Also, if I increase the buffer, it seems to stutter more (but the stuttering doesn't stop, which is more important). :/
ASIO is a wrapper interface for Kernal Streaming, so they would sound identical :)
Yeah, they would sound the same, but ASIO4ALL stutters and foobar2000 w/kernel streaming doesn't.

I did find a kernel streaming plugin for winamp but it doesn't play sound. I don't know why, though.