x-pack running a little hot. ideas?


Limp Gawd
Oct 26, 2005
120mm bright orange Nexus (Yate-Loon) fan, sucking out, at 1000rpm or so, nearly 12V on Zalman Fanmate 2
Zalman CNPS7000B-AlCu @ 1400rpm or so on top of Arctic Silver 3
A64 3700+
(no hard drive yet since haven't found a silent Samsung yet, reading temps from MSI K8NGM2-FID's BIOS screen so no CnQ benefit)
Audigy 2 ZS Platinum with i/o bay
Pioneer DVR-A10XL
2x 1GB Mushkin value RAM
eVGA 7800GT VIVO with Zalman VF700
Seasonic S12-430 upside-down so it's not really blowing or sucking air from anywhere since it's covered by the lid

I'm getting 44-45C CPU temps idle in the BIOS screen. 111F. This seems 10-15C degrees too high to me. Any suggestions?

I'm a little stumped.
BTW It's on a desk in the corner, facing a wall with about 25cm gap at the back to said wall.
For that setup it seems fine, remember its an SFF you wont get good ATX temps with all that in a small space. Especially with the only outgoing fan is only at 1k RPM.....i dont see a problem.
I got 21C- Idle & 28C @ load. reverse the fan in the case to blow in and use the fan (reverse it if necesarry) in the PSU to exhaust.
i'm not about to crack open the psu and tinker around with it inside. :/

the s12 is upside down with the big 120mm psu fan right against the case instead of blowing down into the case where it'd normally be.

dillusion, you're saying i should be content with 45c idle, hopefully lower with cnq, and 50-60 load? (haven't installed windows/games etc. yet) so haven't checked out the load temps yet.
rei said:
i'm not about to crack open the psu and tinker around with it inside. :/

the s12 is upside down with the big 120mm psu fan right against the case instead of blowing down into the case where it'd normally be.

dillusion, you're saying i should be content with 45c idle, hopefully lower with cnq, and 50-60 load? (haven't installed windows/games etc. yet) so haven't checked out the load temps yet.

how do you know if its 50-60 load if you havent installed windows/games yet? :confused:

All im saying is that with only a 1000rpm fan blowing out your temps seem reasonable- but that doesnt mean i would keep them like that.
i'll find out for certain this week. i've seen 40-45 idle before and load in the past has roughly worked out to to 10-15 more, but that was in a microtower i'll give. i'm just guesstimating in advance.
The BIOS does actually load the CPU and so that temp is about a 90% load on the CPU so true idle in windows will be lower than what your seeing in the BIOS. If its stable and running smoothly does it matter whether its running at 44c or 30c?
turn your PSU over so it becomes an exhaust fan. add an 80 or 92mm to the side.
Steeeeve said:
turn your PSU over so it becomes an exhaust fan. add an 80 or 92mm to the side.
dude you know that the X-Qpack cannot get fans added to it
and that not all psu's fit in the proper orientation due to the power connector interfering with the backplate

to the OP i would suggest maybe reversing your nexus fan to have it blow inward
i did that to mine and i went from 55C with my PD 820 and stock cooler down to 35C (temps being read from the digital display with the thermocouple being placed between fins in the cpu hsf
Thanks for the tip re: BIOS loading. I'll have to see with Windows/apps/games.
my 3700 San diego runs at 40ºC with the zalman 7700Cu @ min revs and the 12cm fan (intake) on minimum revs too when im just browsing the internet or on msn. i turn em to maximum when gaming though and deosnt get past 46. it used to be waay cooler though (never over 30) in winter (im in spain).

Soparik2 said:
dude you know that the X-Qpack cannot get fans added to it
and that not all psu's fit in the proper orientation due to the power connector interfering with the backplate

dude why do u think the qpack cannot get fans added to it?
and yes ofc he does know about the psu hes teh president
You can sit the liberty in ok, just bend the tab that stops the power connector out slighty and it fits great.
Soparik2 said:
dude you know that the X-Qpack cannot get fans added to it
and that not all psu's fit in the proper orientation due to the power connector interfering with the backplate

to the OP i would suggest maybe reversing your nexus fan to have it blow inward
i did that to mine and i went from 55C with my PD 820 and stock cooler down to 35C (temps being read from the digital display with the thermocouple being placed between fins in the cpu hsf

errr, The PSU would fit with the fan facing down if you didn't have a Pioneer DVD drive. The drive is 180mm which puts it between a Lite-On and a NEC (which is 190mm). That would be close but you might be able to squeeze it all in there with it the other way...it would help cooling. Otherwise, send 40 bucks and get a Lite-On.

Seconldy, you can add a fan to a Qpack...I did it to mine. I have a 92mm on the side as we speak.

So the the thread starter....add another fan and invert the PSU.
Steeeeve said:
errr, The PSU would fit with the fan facing down if you didn't have a Pioneer DVD drive. The drive is 180mm which puts it between a Lite-On and a NEC (which is 190mm). That would be close but you might be able to squeeze it all in there with it the other way...it would help cooling. Otherwise, send 40 bucks and get a Lite-On.

Seconldy, you can add a fan to a Qpack...I did it to mine. I have a 92mm on the side as we speak.

So the the thread starter....add another fan and invert the PSU.

my Pioneer Drive fits perfectly and the psu is in the correct way (not flipped with fan on top) and i did not mod anything
im using a Sparkle 400watt for my PD 820
and can you tell me where u put the 92mm and where its actually getting fresh air from (or is it an exhaust fan)?

the only reason i stated about having to flip the psu was cuz i read that not all psu's would fit in the correct orientation and needed to be flipped
the 92mm intake fan goes on either left or right side closer to the front of the case :D
Like the SG01
the x-qpack's mounting holes do not fit the s12-430 right-side up.
for the guys who flipped their 120mm rear fan from an exhaust to an intake, did you keep the fan in the inside of the case or did you move it outside?
Steeeve, I got mine to work right-side up. But only after taking pliers to the left edge of the metal border around the power supply opening. I had to pull them out to give room or else the PSU plug area would not fit at all.

Temps seem improved, we'll see how it goes.
BTW the new 110 drives are considerably shorter than the 08 generation, and slightly shorter than the 09. They are only 1cm longer than the liteons.
o0akoni0o said:
for the guys who flipped their 120mm rear fan from an exhaust to an intake, did you keep the fan in the inside of the case or did you move it outside?
kept it inside, cut the fan grill and added a fiber filter
rei said:
Steeeve, I got mine to work right-side up. But only after taking pliers to the left edge of the metal border around the power supply opening. I had to pull them out to give room or else the PSU plug area would not fit at all.

Temps seem improved, we'll see how it goes.

Ummm suggested further up :p that works well for me, people say it sits funny on the support bar but I don't have a problem :)
caught that after. initially people just said 'it fits' without explanation. grr.
rei said:
120mm bright orange Nexus (Yate-Loon) fan, sucking out, at 1000rpm or so, nearly 12V on Zalman Fanmate 2
Zalman CNPS7000B-AlCu @ 1400rpm or so on top of Arctic Silver 3
A64 3700+
(no hard drive yet since haven't found a silent Samsung yet, reading temps from MSI K8NGM2-FID's BIOS screen so no CnQ benefit)
Audigy 2 ZS Platinum with i/o bay
Pioneer DVR-A10XL
2x 1GB Mushkin value RAM
eVGA 7800GT VIVO with Zalman VF700
Seasonic S12-430 upside-down so it's not really blowing or sucking air from anywhere since it's covered by the lid

I'm getting 44-45C CPU temps idle in the BIOS screen. 111F. This seems 10-15C degrees too high to me. Any suggestions?

I'm a little stumped.
I would personally suggest flipping your exhaust to become an intake like the rest of the folks here have already said.

There's a good reason for this too, especially in your case. You have the Zalman 7000 cooler (I have the 7700), both blow air down onto the motherboard. If you have your rear fan setup to exhaust, it is always fighting your Zalman for airlfow, thus causing improper cooling. Flip your rear fan to be an intake and it supplies your Zalman with all the cool air it could possibly want. The air then flows out through the side vents. Just for reference I have my Opteron 148 overclocked to 2.8ghz / 1.5 vcore and I sit idle at 29c all day long. In fact I can go up to 2.9ghz and still see the same results.

Also ensure you have your thermal paste applied correctly. It needs to be a dollup about the size of a grain of rice, then smeared around on the bottom of your heatsink with a credit card (or something that can squeegee it). Having too little or too much thermal paste will also inhibit your Zalman's ability to cool your CPU properly.
rei said:
BTW the new 110 drives are considerably shorter than the 08 generation, and slightly shorter than the 09. They are only 1cm longer than the liteons.

That is 3/8" so it makes a difference....but this is what I said earlier....lite on is 170mm with this one 180mm and NEC at 190mm
pioneer (retail) drive is quietest and has prettiest bezel.
Nice work EZ. It's not something I'd do though, I can't cut mine to add another fan, and I've stuffed mine with more stuff than you have. :) I'm going to leave exhaust as is since I don't want to put a filter on it.
7800GT with VF700-AlCu runs extremely hot in tight quarters with the mess of USB cables tied up to the crossbar and the slot below the video card blocked by an Audigy 2 ZS.

105C load (!) which is near the 115C threshold the drivers specify for throttling down, 65C idle.

Looks like I have airflow, cooling issues to take care of with the video card and case.

Otherwise...50-55C load CPU seems OK as opposed to 50C idle before. 35C idle with CnQ on and all fans throttled down to 5-6V.

I need to resolve the video card heat problem though.