X1800 XT - Adaptive AA?


Limp Gawd
Mar 27, 2005
I've searched around, but I am finding it a little hard to understand what this feature does.

Can someone please explain a bit about it?

Adaptive AA is basically ATI's form of TRAA. What it does is eliminate aliasing on alpha tested textures. In a game like Half-Life 2, for example, the fences use Alpha testing to simulate extra detail where there is none.

An image taken from ati.com:

EquaLiZr said:
how does one find/get this Temporal AA?

It's in the CCC under the AA options, just put a check mark on Temporal AA

Adaptive AA is also under the AA options in the CCC
It works with all AA modes.

As a note, temporal AA requires your framerate to maintain at least 50+ FPS(varies depending on the eyes of each user), as it is applying optical illusions to make the graphics look sharper.
Has anyone tried using AD AA with COD2? It works well with FEAR, when I run FEAR at 1280x1024 at AD AAx2 AFx16 the performance is great.

But when AD AA is used with COD2 the fps can go to the low teens sometimes.

Another question for the X1800 XT crowd, what fan setting (%) during idle usage do you use?
I personally use ATITool, don't know if they have support for X1900 yet.

Since I don't mind noise at all, I set it to dynamically change the fan speed as temperature fluctuates. From ATITool:

Above 0C 32%
Above 40C 41%
Above 45C 50%
Above 50C 59%
Above 55C 68%
Above 60C 77%
Above 65C 86%
Above 70C 100%

Sure, it makes a lot of noise on full load, but I'm in the middle of a scorching Australian summer right now and want to keep it cool as possible and I've never been disturbed by fan noise even if I do sleep in the same room.
Sweet, I hate making threads and this one will work perfectly for my q. I'm new with ATI. Last ATI card was 9800Pro. Now about this AA on alpha textures, like the fences in bf2. I can't seem to get it to work, lol! Here's some screenies...

X1900XT - Cat 6.2
BF2 settings: High detail, 6xAA

Cat AI disabled

Adaptive AA, Cat AI disabled

Adaptive AA, Cat AI disabled, Forced 6xAA

Adaptive AA, Cat AI standard enabled, Forced 6xAA

I can't seeem to find any differences. The fences still look like crap. So what might I be doing wrong? Any ideas?
Here's 2 more. They're better cause I found a spot to sit, lol!



As you can there's no difference. I ran with all settings in catalyst default, cept for Adaptive AA. BF2 was set for 6xAA. This is really driving me mad. So mad in fact, I decided to test HQ AF.


16x AF

HQ 16x AF

...and they all look the same, wtf? Lol! Somebody, anybody, help me!!
in BF2 use the in-game AA setting

in CCC enable Cat AI, then put a check mark box in Adaptive AA and make sure AA is set to app preference, it should work
Well it doesn't look to good in UT2004 or CS Source. I think something happened with the drivers cause it worked with 5.13 (on the disc). I'm just having the damndest time with the fresh reinstall, lol! Things honestly worked better on a borked install, haha! When I went from Nv to ATI to Nv to ATI.

I'm gonna try and find that old driver here on the net somewhere I guess. I'm at a lan and forgot my cd :(
I have reinstalled the drivers from the cd and low 'n' behold, I have AAA in BF2. I'm still hoping something else was causing it, as iit would seem this will have to be worked out in a future driver revision? Those of you with working AAA, are you on 6.2's officials?

Another wonderfully unsettling bug has appeared in BF2 and other games as well. It's as if the ground far away from me doesn't get anisoed properly. Also, it warps/shimmers. :(

Finally, I have mad shadow issues. When looking at certain shadows in BF2, I get jigsaw-like edges. Mostly on planes and helo's, but it also appear on tanks and other ground vehicles as well. Also, I get some odd shadow/light "flashing/shifting" on my guns.

Combined with the release of NV's latest and greatest here shortly...well, my feet...they be kinda cold. :confused: