X1800XL pics , 165 opty cooler equipped


Limp Gawd
Jan 27, 2006
3dmark05 score.


well not quite 9800 although, ive got my cpu to only 2.6ghz because of PSU issues. my 12v rail goes to 11.37 underload. and my 3.3 does 3.14 on load. so, i get lock ups any higher than 2.6. i mounted on a opteron 165 factory cooler to my card along with its heatpipes .. so this card at 1.4volts hits around 72c.. although, this is pretty good because the card would hitt 75+c with the stock cooler at all stock volts and clocks. heres some pics of the card. kinda looks like a 7900gtx from the side lol..


Yea, i know... works really well to.as soon as my cpu is at 2.8ghz with a better psu i will easily break 10,000 in 3dmark05 :p or itleast i think so. im deffinetly getting my moneys worth out of this card lol

and thanks for your input, this is about the 3rd card ive put a cpu heatsink on. although, this is the first time using a heatpipe heatsink normally i used only socket a/462 sinks.. but this one is great! :D now i dont have to buy a 30 dollar cooler.
Nice work.
I just happen to have an unused stock heatsink/fan from my opteron 148.
How did you go about putting it on ? Looks like it would be heavy.
I can't see a fan on your heatsink.

680mhz core on an XL is very impressive.
Do you know where your card maxed out with stock cooling ?
My core doesn't seem to like voltage at all.
I keep it at 1.175v
iirc, anything much past 1.2v and it becomes unstable even at 500 mhz.
Holy smokes. You had the X1800XL in the year 2002! Did you timewarp today and took it back 4 years ago? OMG. Anyway, nice ghetto mod! Looks sexy.
Yes, please post how you mounted that cooler on the card. I, too, have extra opteron coolers and would love to use one on my x1600pro.
well, first of all you will have to drill holes. so you will need a drill with a small bit. and some quarter inch screws id say 4 would be good but 2 is ok accros from each other.. my card does not bend it all with the heatsink mounted, it is heavy but.. does not stress my card it all. so just get out your heatsink lay the core on it. and make sure the heatsink is not in the way of nothing. and keep in mind do not let it hit the pci slots below your PCIe bus. ;) so watch for those. it may take you a couple tries to get it fitted right. be sure its getting perfect contact to the heatsink. hold it side ways up to some light . to make sure theres no gap between the core, and the heatsink... the drill bits and the screws would run you 3-5 bucks maybe. which is still save about 25 on a VGA cooler. lol if you have any questions please PM me. or post them here. im proubly going to release a guide on this here soon. :p

ALSO MY CAMERAS DATE IS WRONG LOL. i have to pull the batteries out to charge them so it resets my date.
Do you know what your card did on stock cooling ?
680mhz is amazing. I'm afraid mine won't go much higher even with elite cooling
because of the soft ground issue since it's unstable at higher voltage even w/ stock speed.
I don't think heat is limiting my gpu overclock so much.

In other words, it seems like too much work if it's only going to give me another 10 mhz. But if you tell me your card could only get up to 600mhz stock and the cooler gave you a huge boost I'll go for it. :D
Hey man, my card would proubly run about 570-590-to even 600mhz somtimes with stock cooling it really depends on the room tempature. i normally ran a blower fan torward the card with stock cooling to achieve 600mhz. although i always ran my memory around 670-700mhz even with stock cooling. i would run your memory voltage at about 2.190v and the buffers at around 2.175v.. and for your core i would say 590mhz needs about 1.170 and anything beyond 600mhz will be 1.225v and up. for my card to run 700mhz on the core i run 1.4+ volts. good luck. and happy OCin :p

watch the heat man. i never let me card go more than 78C with the stock cooling. in other words heat was not stopping it. the card would keep going with the stock cooler. but i stopped because of temps.