X1900XT - AVIVO - Really bad smearing


Limp Gawd
Nov 28, 2004

I did a fresh reformat and grabbed the latest Catalysts and PowerDVD 7 to see what all the AVIVO fuss is about. Popped in a Futurama DVD. I get this horrible persistant image problem, where if darkness follows anything theres a really ugly outline of what went before left all over the picture. I've found a few hits for this problem on google but they all seem to be from a few months ago.... Is this still a known issue where AVIVO just sucks and doesn't work ? Or is it particular to me ?
I had the same problem on my x1950pro CF setup, but it was because I checked an option in PDVD7 in the configuration menu. I forget the option (at work right now), but it's on the video configration page. I enabled Hardware accelaration, and then another option on that page, and got all sorts of display correuption type issues. Make sure only hardware acceleration is checked, the rest leave at default.

Of course, this could be your fault for jacking software :p