X1900XT performance problems


Mar 19, 2004
I bought a 1900XT (ATI) a couple of weeks ago and i'm experiencing some performance issue.
For instance, after playing CounterStrike Source for a couple of hours straight I notice my fps drops a lot. My stress test score before I start playing is about 205. If I run the stress test after playing for a while it goes down to about 140.
What the hell is happening?
I have four case fans going so my box is pretty cool. My CPU temp never gets above 111 F. My card seems to hit about 76 C max at load and is 47 C at idle which I hear is normal for this card.
Any ideas???

AMD 4400+ @stock
2 Gig Ram
ATI X1900XT Cat 6.2
Win XP SP2 - all updates
Enermax 600w PSU
Driver problems maybe. Do an uninstall and pop in the new Catalyst 6.2 that just came out and see what happens.
I did install the 6.2 drivers and it's the same.
Also, I noticed if I leave my computer idle for a while and go to play games, they run very choppy. If I do a reboot, it 's back to normal again.

So freakin weird!!!
Memory leak? If it starts ok, then gets choppy after a while, sounds like something is going funky with your memory. Has happened to me before, fixed by clearing out the spyware/adware, etc...
KidzMD said:
Memory leak? If it starts ok, then gets choppy after a while, sounds like something is going funky with your memory. Has happened to me before, fixed by clearing out the spyware/adware, etc...

I was thinking memory leak to so I formatted and reinstalled windows and all seems well so far..........
I get the choppyness after leaving the pc on for a while too. I found that its related to the dual core cpu. It will play smooth if you set the affinity to a single core. I think its just a win xp problem. I am runing without any of the DC "fixes" such as the amd driver and ms hotfix. The amd driver made my games choppy no matter what for some reason.
HybridHB said:
I get the choppyness after leaving the pc on for a while too. I found that its related to the dual core cpu. It will play smooth if you set the affinity to a single core. I think its just a win xp problem. I am runing without any of the DC "fixes" such as the amd driver and ms hotfix. The amd driver made my games choppy no matter what for some reason.

Oh great.....I just installed the amd driver and the hotfix!!!!
It could work for you. These fixes work for some people and not for others.
I installed the AMD drivers and all has been well for me. Haven't installed the MS hotfix.
Ok....after installing the AMD driver and the MS hotfix my Counter Strike stress test is 205 when I first launch the game. If I'm playing for about and hour and then immediately run the stress test again, i get around 180.
Is this fluctuation normal???
I have the same problems with css stress test, with an x800xtpe. FPS is high one time and 25% lower another. I know a clean driver install seems to solve it for a day or 2. A clean install on a separate gaming partition only worked for about 2 days. No other game I play is affected this way - and am at wits end. Think it must be a valve thing as their forums are full of people complaining about low fps. Still like other problems I have had - the source may be 2 ft. in front of the monitor. :confused:
Ok just ran stress test today and got ~122 in three runs. Ran it last night and got ~82 in two runs. No reboot between the two. Temperatures reported have stayed consistent, so I do not think heat is an issue. After reading the other posts, I am wondering if disabling hyper threading may help.
There is a thermal issue with the card. I have read another thread titled X1900 gets pretty hot pretty fast. There a temperature problem was affecting performance. You can up the fan to 100% in the CCC and this seems to fix the issue. Look for that thread as there are some interesting results there.
Anyone with an X1900 card knows that running the fan at maximum speed is intolerable. I use ATiTool Beta 13 to up my fan to the point of just being audible over my 120mm Panaflos (about 70%).

Just remember that you'll have to adjust the VGPU voltage in ATiTool if you want to use its fan adjustment features. R580 requires about 1.35 volts.
Sipster said:
I bought a 1900XT (ATI) a couple of weeks ago and i'm experiencing some performance issue.
For instance, after playing CounterStrike Source for a couple of hours straight I notice my fps drops a lot. My stress test score before I start playing is about 205. If I run the stress test after playing for a while it goes down to about 140.
What the hell is happening?
I have four case fans going so my box is pretty cool. My CPU temp never gets above 111 F. My card seems to hit about 76 C max at load and is 47 C at idle which I hear is normal for this card.
Any ideas???

AMD 4400+ @stock
2 Gig Ram
ATI X1900XT Cat 6.2
Win XP SP2 - all updates
Enermax 600w PSU

I think it's heat...once the GPU warms up it slows down.
BBA said:
I think it's heat...once the GPU warms up it slows down.

That's exactly what I was getting at abovie. I agree. In another thread the card was finnicky until the user put the fan at !00% through ccc. Once he did that the beast came alive.
The Beta's run my XTX a bit less hot than the official 6.2


I'm using AtiTool atm to adjust fanspeeds but 100% is indeed very loud. :(
It could be heat, I was having the same issues. Stuttering FPS going down etc.. I then grabbed 2GB and applyed all fixes, AMD drivers, etc... When you added the hotfix, you need to edit your reg. If you did not, it was not applied right.
Vengance_01 said:
It could be heat, I was having the same issues. Stuttering FPS going down etc.. I then grabbed 2GB and applyed all fixes, AMD drivers, etc... When you added the hotfix, you need to edit your reg. If you did not, it was not applied right.

I thought you only need to edit the registry to turn off the MS hotfix?????
Remove the heat sink on the GPU and lap it. You could also take off the plastic sheilding on the top of the heat sink and put another fan on top of it. That should help but keep you from having to turn up the fan to 100%. Sounds like weird issues but if its heat problems I dont understand why the GPU gets slower. Usaly when CPUs/GPUs overheat they dont slow down. They just die or start artifacting. Just get your heat issues solved as fast as you can else you will fry your card. Happend with my 9800 pro at stock speeds with the heat sink. It still runs but not so well since the shader processors and texture units are fryed. Only reason I know its that is because everything artifacts in squares and 3/8 squares shows artifacts. For some reason AA is stuck on as high as possible same with AF and fresh install didnt help. I dunno how the card still runs but it will have to do tell I can get a job.
Ok....just to give an update.

After upgrading my case to a Coolermaster Stacker T01 and installing the Amd drivers and MS hotfix, all is running well......with Counter Strike and Serious Sam 2 anyway.