X1900XT to 8800GTS 320 Good upgrade?


Limp Gawd
Feb 2, 2006
I have a 1920X1200 24" monitor.

Newegg has the 320MB 8800gts for $279

I run an X1900XT currently, andit is loud, and does not keep up well with the resolution....

Will the 8800GTS 320MB (It's in my budget) be an impressive upgrade, or just a small one?

Oh, AMD 4400X2 Dual core cpu as well with 2gigs of ram, will I be bottlenecking it with that cpu?
512mb to 320mb....not really a wise upgrade or do you have the 256mb version? i recommend for a 24" monitor to get the 640mb version. 320mb wont cut it.
I have a 512MB card now, but the memory isn't the only consideration.... It can't be the vid memory that holds me at 40-45 FPS in WoW with all stuff turned on... can it???
My friend has a 7950Gt Ko and Thats not even a G80 card and he gets 60+ FPS in wow. The 8800GTS 320MB is a great card, but i would suggest going with the 640 if you can.
Benchmarks for the 320MB show it scoring on par with the X1900XT 512MB. The X1900XT 512MB actually beats it in FutureMark 06 by about 200 points. But you do get DX10 out of it aswell which of course teh X1900XT can not do. The 8800GTS will also give a much better IQ compared to that of the X1900XT at around the same performance.
Hmm... That's interesting, perhaps I will just make the 640MB one happen (I can explain the extra $$ to my wife somehow. lol)

I will be selling my X1900XT on the forums after that for $175 shipped. That should make her happy, I hope. :)
Benchmarks for the 320MB show it scoring on par with the X1900XT 512MB. The X1900XT 512MB actually beats it in FutureMark 06 by about 200 points. But you do get DX10 out of it aswell which of course teh X1900XT can not do. The 8800GTS will also give a much better IQ compared to that of the X1900XT at around the same performance.
what are you smoking? The X1900XT is not even close to the 8800GTS in 3dmark 06 nor any games. :rolleyes: The IQ and speed is much better over the X1900. Only time it gets close is at super super high res with lots of aa and AF. Anyways to OP, I would not upgrade just yet. The X1900 is still a great card. Wait for R600 and the 8900 cards to hit.
what are you smoking? The X1900XT is not even close to the 8800GTS in 3dmark 06 nor any games. :rolleyes: The IQ and speed is much better over the X1900. Only time it gets close is at super super high res with lots of aa and AF. Anyways to OP, I would not upgrade just yet. The X1900 is still a great card. Wait for R600 and the 8900 cards to hit.

Any idea when Nvidia will be releasing the refresh of the G80? If it's going to be a month or so, I'll wait, but if it's 3-6 away, I don't know.
R600 is to be released sometime this April/May. the 8900 series is a rumor since there is no concrete evidence that there will be one. Nvidia's response to the R600 is the 8800 Ultra from what i read around the net but still not 100% sure.

you shouldn't have any issues running WoW @ 1920x1200 with your X1900XT512, all ingame settings high. if you haven't already done so, you should play around with the ingame settings and see if there is even a difference in performance/detail.
There have been reports for quite a while about an 8900 series, including something similar to the 7950GX2, two GPU's mounted on a single card.

Expect the R600 late next month, and the next 8 series from nVidia in June. I was thinking about picking up an 8800GTX for the sig rig, was a little worried about Stalker performance, but so far its been fine on the sig rig, runs well and is stable, so I'm going to wait before I upgrade it.

Looking for Yorkfield and Barcelona before I build a Vista gaming rig. As it stands, I don't think Vista quite there yet with the drivers.
Here is a comparison with a GTS 320 superclock against an X1950XT. Not exactly what your looking for but should at least give some idea.

Also from everything i have read at high resolutions with eye candy turned up it gets beat by a few cards out there in some situations. I used to have a better comparison bookmarked but its gone now :(

another POS review by hardocp :rolleyes: pairing a x1950xt 256mb a $199 card vs GTS320 SUPERclocked a $299 card

I really wonder how fat of a check they're receiving from nVidia
I like to hear people comment which card is better then read their sig to see what side they bought (ATI or nVidia)

bottom line IMO, 8800 is slightly better, not worth upgrading from your current card.
and I like ATI :p

You will get a Bad +fps% : $ ratio
Assume you sell it for $175
Assume the new card sells for $300

Now do the math, +20% faster fps for $125.00
Now compare:
nVidia $300 @ 120% fps = $2.5 per 1%
ATI $175 @ 100%fps = $1.75 per 1%

Diff = Nvidia is about 45% more expensive to its performance (assuming the numbers on prices I used)
i used to have a X1900XTX 512mb
i upgraded to a 8800GTX in last november...
the FPS different..was prettty good

by the way go to

there are some compare between all 8800 card GTX/GTS 640 or 320
and some 1950XTX(which is just abit faster then yours)

in there.. if the res go up to 2048*1536 8800GTS 320.. become really bad.. as it doesn;t have enough memory...
but at 1600*1200 it can still go really well... better then the 1950XTX

if i were you , i will for sure get the GTS 640 instead of the 320mb...
To the OP. There are lots of factors in getting good framerates in games, not only does your video card contribute, but also your cpu, memory(cas latency), and hard drive(s), additionally there are 256mg cards that perform better than 512mg cards etc, due to limiting factors like the cards memory clocks, and limitations by the amount of pipe-pixels your card has, so al it all, your card should be getting better than 45fps in world of warcraft, i would look other places like your cpu since this game is HEAVILY dependant on your cpu, and memory.
With OPs resolution I would not consider 320MB 8800 variant, it might be good now, but who knows what kinda monster resolution textures DX10 games will have.

So my choice would be now 8800 640MB but considering how close the next wave from ATI/Nvidia is, I would wait for awhile.
I just upgraded from the X1900XT 512 to the 640mb 8800GTS and I see a definate improvement. I used to hate nVidia cards too :eek:

I would suggest strongly the 640mb version for the higher resolution situation as others have.
IMHO, a 8800GTS 320MB on a 24" Monitor @ 1920x1200 is putting it right on the edge of the card's max potential.. Future games will probably have some difficulty at that res with that card... 80% of the games I have tried with that combo are OK--I can still play with everything maxed.. but there are a few games that i had to turn it down a little to get some playable frame rates..the caveat is that I'm running Vista 32bit too..

but when I had a 20.1" 1680x1050 everything was very playable maxed out..

I recently swapped it for an 8800GTX and wow big difference.. everything is playable at 1920x1200 with ease.. well STALKER still has issues but that's it..

I have a 512MB card now, but the memory isn't the only consideration.... It can't be the vid memory that holds me at 40-45 FPS in WoW with all stuff turned on... can it???

I havent played alot in TBC, but there has been practically no code optimization between WOW and TBC, so:

If you get 40-45 in 40 man raids/Bgs during fights, don't touch your setup (read below to understand why)

If its only WOW, make sure to disable ALL your addons and then check your FPS.
Disable "on screen glow effect" in options and enable AA in ATI CP. Do the same for AF.
Check your ping (High ping = lower FPS)

Don't expect high FPS in IF/Org infront of the mailbox/ah/bank.
Don't expect high FPS in combat with 5+ persons on screen (aka raids/Bgs) if you use event driven addons (unitframes, bufftimers...). The game itself fires too many events during these times. If you can attain 30+ FPS in these conditions, you are golden.

Don't listen to people telling you they get 100+fps in raids. They are either lying/checking their fps while not in combat/staring at a wall without seing any other chars.
I upgraded from a X1900XT 256mb. Greatly improved performance in Medieval 2: TW. With the X1900XT, I couldn't enable AA and high shadows without taking a hit. The 8800GTS can to 4xAA and high shadows without breaking a sweat. After selling the X1900XT, the total cost of my upgrade was like.. $150. :D
I have not read any more than Post #1 and just want to quickly give my input before I run off to work...

The X1900XT 512mb version is not as good as the 8800GTS 320mb. Sure, it's got more memory, but it all depends on the game. Closely speculate the games you intend to play - they may be the sort of game that requires a lot of texture memory, where some benefit more from pure processing power (and you know how great it would be to be able to utilize 96 Unified Shaders and DX10). Id say a 320mb version for most games will be an upgrade - but when it comes to a game like Oblivion or STALKER (for the time being..until a patch) it will probably not benefit you that much.
After reading all of the responses (thank you!) I have decided that the cost of upgrade is too high. I will be waiting for the next wave of cards... I also use a TON of addons when I play WoW, that's apparently why I am at 45fps with all settings high.

Again, thanks!
judging by all the benchmarks the GTS isnt too much faster than the x1900xt. but if i had the cash then why not.
I'd stick with the X1900XT for a while. Good card.

@Jerukoth - please reduce sig to 10 lines max ;)
I haven't read through any of the posts but to me, the price per performance is not enough to justify your upgrade. Besides, I honestly belive the card you want is still going to be at the end of it's performance capabilities by the time true DX10 games come out, especially with that monitor, it's your call but I'd wait to see what the wind blows here in the next few months, the prices of that card are droping for a reason but yours don't seem to coincide with it.